11th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”
The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces a call for the 11th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”, which will be held within the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. It will take place in Moscow from the 4th till the 8th of April 2022.

The 4th Annual IPSA–HSE Summer School for Methods of Political & Social Research
Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE in St. Petersburg in association with the Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and the International Political Science Association (IPSA) are continuing to accept applications for the 4th instalment of the IPSA–HSE Summer School for Methods of Political & Social Research. The School will be held online from August 9 to August 22, 2021.
10th LCSR International Workshop — the Deadline was Extended!
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces a call for the 10th LCSR International Workshop, which will be held within the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. It will take place in Moscow from the 6th till 10th of April 2019. The deadline was extended. The last day to submit your paper is December 29, 2019.

10th LCSR International Workshop is Now Open for Submissions
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces a call for the 10th LCSR International Workshop, which will be held within the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. It will take place in Moscow from the 6th till 10th of April 2019. The submission deadline is December 20, 2019.

Program of the International Workshop “Social Inequality and Value Polarization: A Cross-Country Perspective” is published online
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research and Department of Sociology of the Higher School of Economics – Saint Petersburg invite you to visit the International Workshop “Social Inequality and Value Polarization: A Cross-Country Perspective” which will be held on September, 16-18, 2019 in Saint Petersburg. Program of the Workshop is available on the LCSR website.

CfP: LCSR announces Special Issue «Happiness and Subjective Well-being in Russia»
LCSR and Journal "Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes" announce special issue call for papers «Happiness and Subjective Well-being in Russia» (Volume 1, 2020). Guest editors: Eduard Ponarin (PhD, LCSR head), Anna Almakaeva (PhD, LCSR deputy head) and Natalia Gashenina (PhD, Public Opinion Foundation – FOM). Manuscripts should be submitted in Russian or in English by the 31st of July 2019.
Ronald Inglehart will give a lecture in Sakharov Center
On April, 11th Chief Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research Ronald Inglehart will give a lecture in Sakharov Center, Moscow. Professor Inglehart will cover the issues of contemporary authoritarianism in world politics. To register, please, follow the link (in Russian).

Hanspeter Kriesi will give two lectures at HSE
LSCR Chief Research Fellow Hanspeter Kriesi will give a couple of introductory lectures at HSE on April, 16th and 18th.

Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel will present Russian editions of their monographs at the XIXth April International Academic Conference
At the upcoming XIXth April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development, the leading staff of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research will present Russian editions of their latest monographs.
LCSR's Post-Doc Positions in Comparative Studies
The Higher School of Economics Laboratory for Comparative Social Research in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of sociology, political science or economics. The applicant’s research in the lab will be focused on cross-cultural comparisons using WVS/EVS, ESS or similar data. Deadline: February 15, 2018.