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Internship at the LCSR

The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) invites students with various levels of training to take internships during the 2023/24 academic year. Depending on the availability of assignments, the internship’s duration is determined by agreement. To comply with the idea of HSE University cross-campus interaction, the internship can be completed both offline and online.


A (post)graduate student must submit the following materials in order to be considered for an internship:

  • a CV (including grades in courses related to data analysis and Research Seminar);
  • a Motivation Letter;
  • and a sample written text (term paper or essay of at least 4,000 words).

Applications can be sent to Andrey Shcherbak (ascherbak@hse.ru) at any time during the academic year.

Candidates will get an invitation to an interview one week after submitting their applications. Examining the submitted materials and conducting an interview are the basis of the decision regarding admission to an internship.


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