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Tag "research projects"

Illustration for news: Ronald Inglehart gave a talk on the roots of authoritarianism

Ronald Inglehart gave a talk on the roots of authoritarianism

Ronald Inglehart (LCSR HSE, University of Michigan) gave a talk at the 9th LCSR International Workshop “Comparative Social Research” with report “From an Authoritarian Personality to an Authoritarian Reflex: Evolving Views on a Sustainable Phenomenon.”

Illustration for news: Christian Welzel opened 9th LCSR International Workshop with talk on MGCFA

Christian Welzel opened 9th LCSR International Workshop with talk on MGCFA

Within the framework of the 9th LCSR International Workshop “Comparative Social Research” with an honorary report on the topic “Measurement Equivalence? A Tale of False Obsessions and a Cure” was made by Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE, Leufana University Luneburg).

Illustration for news: Eric Uslaner Presented New Research Project within the Framework of the 8th LCSR International Workshop

Eric Uslaner Presented New Research Project within the Framework of the 8th LCSR International Workshop

On April, 13th, the last day of the XIXth April International Academic Conference on Social and Economic Development in HSE, Professor Eric M. Uslaner gave a key lecture on “National Identity and Political Polarization”. It was held within the framework of the 8th LSCR International Workshop “Quantitative Research of Social Changes across the World”.

Illustration for news: Andrey Scherbak and Alexey Bessudnov Presented Results of the Research Project on Ethnic Hierarchy in the Russian Labour Market

Andrey Scherbak and Alexey Bessudnov Presented Results of the Research Project on Ethnic Hierarchy in the Russian Labour Market

On April, 10th, the first day of the XIXth April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Andrey Scherbak (HSE) and Alexey Bessudnov (University of Exeter) gave a special lecture called “Ethnic Hierarchy in the Russian Labour Market”. It was held within the framework of the 8th LCSR International workshop “Quantitative Research of Social Changes Across the World”.

Illustration for news: Christian Welzel Gave a Talk on Rethinking Measurement In-Equivalence

Christian Welzel Gave a Talk on Rethinking Measurement In-Equivalence

On April 10th Christian Welzel gave a lecture on “Rethinking Measurement In-Equivalence: Or Why We Should Forget about MGCFA” at the 8th LCSR International Workshop. Read more about this in the publication.

Illustration for news: Hanspeter Kriesi will give two lectures at HSE

Hanspeter Kriesi will give two lectures at HSE

LSCR Chief Research Fellow Hanspeter Kriesi will give a couple of introductory lectures at HSE on April, 16th and 18th.

Illustration for news: Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel will present Russian editions of their monographs at the XIXth April International Academic Conference

Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel will present Russian editions of their monographs at the XIXth April International Academic Conference

At the upcoming XIXth April International Academic Conference On Economic and Social Development, the leading staff of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research will present Russian editions of their latest monographs.

Illustration for news: Boris Sokolov's Article is Published in American Political Science Review

Boris Sokolov's Article is Published in American Political Science Review

An article by LCSR senior research fellow Boris Sokolov is published in American Political Science Review Journal!

LCSR's Post-Doc Positions in Comparative Studies

The Higher School of Economics Laboratory for Comparative Social Research in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of sociology, political science or economics. The applicant’s research in the lab will be focused on cross-cultural comparisons using WVS/EVS, ESS or similar data. Deadline: February 15, 2018.

Call for edited volume “Social Capital, Subjective Well-being and Modernization”

The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research invites you to contribute a chapter to the Springer’s volume “Social Capital, Subjective Well-being and Modernization”. Deadline for abstracts is January 10th, 2018.