Impression on XVI April International Conference on Economic and Social Development!
As HSE’s XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development came to a close on April 10, international participants commented on their experience. LCSR`s associate researches also shared their impressions about the event.
XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development got started
XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development got started. LCSR holds a special international workshop called “Social and Cultural changes in cross-national perspective: Subjective Well-being, Trust, Social capital and Values”. Eric Uslaner (University of Maryland) opens the lectures with the research "The Historical Roots of Corruption".
New article by Peter Meylakhs in
New article by senior research fellow of LCSR Peter Meylakhs was published in HSE web-site The article is titled "AIDS-dissident needs medical attention".
The results of 5th Sociological Grushinskaya Conference are announced!
The results of 5th Sociological Grushinskaya Conference "Profound Sociology: Ways to Broaden the Spacial Analysis of Data", where LCSR held a special section "Everything is Cognized in Comparison. The Experience of International Comparative Researches", are announced.
First place in Salminskiy Scholarship Competition!
The first place in Salminskiy Scholarship Competition for young political scientists was granted to Boris Sokolov, Research Fellow of LCSR.
The best article SOCIS-2014
A SOCIS journal announced the results of the competition for the best publication in 2014. Article written by Anna Almakaeva, senior researcher of LCSS, was recognized as the best in the category `Methodological problems of sociology`.
A student of the international master program in Comparative Social Research, which was established by LCSR in the beginning of the academic year, got awarded with Vladimir Potanin foundation Scholarhip.
HSE is ranked one of the leading Project 5-100 universities
HSE is ranked one of the leading Project 5-100 universities. LCSR is actively involved in realization of the `Project 5-100` and contribute to the raise of the Russia’s universities competitiveness across the globe.
An Interview with Peter Meylakhs in the Renowned Saint-Petersburg Newspaper `Vedomosti`
Peter Meylakhs, a Senior Research Fellow of LCSS, gave an interview to the prime newspaper of the city `Saint-Petersburg Vedomosti` addressing an acute problem of drugs policy in Russia and other countries around the world. published an article about Bogdan Voicu`s study published an article about Bogdan Voicu`s study titled "Experience of divorce disturbs trust in others". Bogdan Voicu is an expert in the international research network of the Laboratory.