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A human life is "priceless" or does not cost anything?

Lenta.ru published an interview with Tatiana Karabchuk, Deputy Director of LCSR and one of the HSE experts. The main topic of the discussion was the estimation of loss from car accidents in Russia.

World Values Survey Association meeting

World Values Survey Association (WVSA) had a successful meeting of the Executive Committee and Scientific Advisory Committee held at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), November 13-14, 2015.

Happy future is possible

Russian popular science journal "Schrödinger cat" published an interview with Ronald Inglehart, Scientific Supervisor of LCSR. During the interview «SC» correspondent discovered that professor, unlike himself, is convinced that our long-suffering planet has the potential to become a planet of happy people.

New article in "Eurasian economic integration"

New article by Tatiana Karabchuk, Anita Moiseeva  and Olga Gurkina titled "Age and Geographical Differences in Integration Attitudes of the Population in Post-Soviet States: What Does the New Data of the EDB Integration Barometer Tell Us?" was published in recent issue of "Eurasian economic integration" journal.

The inflow of migrants from Central Asia to Russia

The experts in Open Economy (OPEC.ru) wrote about the main results of a joint study conducted by EDB, UNDP, LCSR HSE and RAS titled "Labour migration and labour-intensive industries in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: opportunities for human development in Central Asia", which main purpose was to identify trends, characteristics and prospects of development of migration from Central Asia to Russia.

The Effect of Particularism on Corruption

New article by LCSR associate researcher Valentina Rotondi and her collegue Luca Stanca (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy) titled "The effect of particularism on corruption: Theory and empirical evidence" was published in Journal of Economic Psyhology.

Demographics in lectures

Dmitry Zakotyansky (LCSR research assistant) gave several lectures on the demographics in the Novosibirsk State University, Russia. The lectures were organized within the program "labor market for social scientists: employment opportunities for graduates of the department of sociology".

ESS Round 7 Data Release

The first edition of data and documentation for ESS Round 7 was released on 28 October 2015 and now is available on the ESS website.

"Integration Barometer EDB - 2015"

Tatiana Karabchuk (Deputy Director of LCSR) and Anita Moiseeva (LCSR research assistant) became co-authors of the analytical report "Integration Barometer EDB - 2015" and wrote sections about territorial and demographic differences in integration preferences of the population of CIS countries.

The Subjects of Fear for Siberians

New article by Anna V. Nemirovskaya, LCSR Senior Research Fellow, and Valentin G. Nemirovskiy titled "The Origins and Subjects of Fear for Siberians: Sociological Research in the Regions of Eastern and Western Siberia" was published in Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies "Sibirica".