An interview with Christian Haerpfer
Christian Haerpfer, President of the World Values Association, has talked to HSE News Service about the World Values Survey and about the preparations underway for its new wave.
Christian Haerpfer, President of the World Values Association, has talked to HSE News Service about the World Values Survey and about the preparations underway for its new wave.
Christian told the interviewer about World Value Survey Association, the way how the organization is operating in the countries around the world. Professor shared his opinion about current situation in the world highlighting that there has been a global trend towards more tolerance over the last 30 years. People are more tolerant and more willing to accept people of other religion or ethnic origin. Then Christian told about World Value Survey Association meeting which was held at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), November 13-14, 2015.
"The two-day meeting in Moscow was aimed at finalizing the questionnaire that will be used in the seventh wave of WVS in many languages around the world – in about 70 states. This questionnaire will include 200 questions that will address religious, family, gender, equality, ecological, social, political values. The most important value dimensions were unchanged in the course of the previous 6 waves, which enables us to compare continuity and change in values in different life domains with exactly the same words. This means that the World Values Suvey has a core questionnaire with an identical set of questions between 1981 and 2013. New topics in Wave 7 will deal with new social media and internet, migrants and refugees, security, and gender. If a question becomes obsolete as a consequence of social change and transformations, those questions will be phased out. All the questions on the questionnaire are unbiased questions and it is very important to make them neutral so that the interviewees do not feel pressured into a certain answer by politically or ideologically distorted questions. So the questions should not prescribe any particular model of development of society".
The whole article can be found via the link bellow: