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Impression on the Fifth LCSR International Conference!

5th International Annual Research Conference “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective” successfully ended on Friday, November 20th. We were happy to see many old friends, colleagues and new participants in our LCSR network.

5th International Annual Research Conference “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective” successfully ended on Friday, November 20th. We were happy to see many old friends, colleagues and new participants in our LCSR network. 

Some comments from the participants about the event:

Eduard Ponarin, the LCSR Director: "these five days of the conference may have symbolized the five years of Laboratory existence. During these five years the Laboratory have definitely grown not only in quantity of the participants but also in quality of the presentations and lectures. This conference showed that the Junior Research Fellows ("the suns") can challenge their teachers in science ("the fathers"). For example, during the last two days we have witnessed a fascinating discussion between Boris Sokolov and Christian Welzel about measurement model misspecifications from one side and misconceptions of measurement equivalence from the other side. It was really curious to watch how the discussion was going and how the speakers reached a compromise as the arguments were presented in a very competent and friendly manner”. 

Christian Welzel, one of the LCSR “fathers”: “I was fascinated by the number of foreign participants who came in Moscow from remote countries all around the world so that this year we had more presenters than ever. In such situation the double panel format proved to work well as we had two parallel working sessions in different rooms so that everybody could choose what he is more interested in. It was also the first time I brought a couple of PhD students from my Chair in Germany here in Moscow for the LCSR conference. It seems that they integrated well into the Laboratory and I am sure that we will continue to cooperate that way in the future”. 

Juan Diez Nicolas, keynote speaker, (ISSP, Spain): "It was a remarkable experience for me to take part in this LCSR conference. Everything was organized very well and it was interesting to meet other researches as well as present my lecture to the huge international audience. It was my first time in Moscow but I am sure I will come back here in future to attend other events organized by the laboratory."

Alejandro Moreno, keynote speaker (ITAM, Mexico): "I have a good overall impression about the conference. The discussions were intellectually stimulating, it was a lot of fun to see all the old and new friends. I found the quality of the conference papers as really high and was impressed by so many different topics raised during the sessions. There were so many research agendas, so many findings, so many ideas that you should have maid notes and go back to summarize them after the conference. I was impressed!"

Malgorzata Mikucka, LCSR senior associate researcher (University of Leuvan, Belgium): "This was an intense week: five days of presentations with parallel sessions! I really appreciated the choice of keynote lectures and the participation of HSE researchers from outside the Lab. These were all important meetings and they allowed interesting ideas to spread. I was also happy to see how the topics of the research presented during the conference evolved. I noticed more studies on employment, family, and informal social networks than in the past. This is just great, as this are all important aspects of the changes affecting our societies."

Jacque Phillips, MA student of NRU HSE: “The 5th annual LCSR Conference was a very valuable experience for me as a master student. In addition to seeing new findings from completed research, it was interesting to see works in progress and hear the feedback about how they could be improved. However, my favorite part of the conference was reconnecting with guest professors, many of whom are powerhouses in the international research community”.

LCSR is very grateful to all participants!

We look forward to seeing you at our future events!