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International Master in Comparative Social Research

The International Master Program in Comparative Social Research was launched in 2014 on the basis of the Laboratory of Com­parative Social Research. During this two-year program, students spend the first semester in Moscow, the second semester in St. Petersburg, and the third semester is a research internship in Russia or abroad. During the last semester students work on their thesis with an ad-visor affiliated with a research laboratory. The language of instruction is English. The program offers stipends and tuition waivers for top students.

This program provides students with the following skills:

  • Academic skills – in particular, the ability to write scientific articles based on the analysis of empirical data. Program graduates will be empowered to publish their research papers in international peer-reviewed journals. In addition, students will be encouraged to continue their careers within European partners’ PhD programs in collaboration with the HSE academic PhD program.
  • Skills of applied research analysis that are in great demand at international organizations and companies like the World Bank, International Labour Organization, OECD, UNESCO, and UNICEF.

The Scientific Supervisor of the program is Prof. Ronald Inglehart, a world renowned American sociologist and political scientist, professor of political science at the University of Michigan, USA, professor at NRU HSE, Moscow, Russia.

The interim Academic Supervisor of the program is Dr. Christian Fröhlich. Christian is an associate professor of Sociology at the NRU HSE, Moscow, Russia.

The Founder of the program is Dr. Chris Swader, currently an Associated Senior Lecturer at Lund University in Sweden.


For more information, please visit www.hse.ru/en/ma/csr.


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