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Presentations and video are available online!

Fifth LCSR International Annual Research Conference came to a close. We are glad to announce that the majority of presentations and the video of key lectures are available online !

Fifth LCSR International Annual Research Conference “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective” came to a close on Friday, November 20th in Moscow. The conference aimed at developing empirical quantitative comparative (cross-country and cross-regional) studies in social science. 

Many topics on social, economic and political issues were discussed during the conference and we are glad to announce that the majority of presentations are available online! The video records of some of the key lectures are already loaded on our Youtube channel.

Namely, the video of the following key lectures are already published:

  • Ronald Inglehart (LCSR, HSE Moscow, & University of Michigan, USA) Modernization and Inequality: watch video online...  
  • Marita Carballo (Social and Political Academy of Argentina, Argentina) Subjective Wellbeing and Public Policy: watch video online... 
  • Christian Haerpfer (University of Vienna, Austria) Political Participation in Global Comparison. Patterns of Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americaswatch video online... 
  • Bi Puranen (Institute for Future studies, Sweden) The Relation between Muslim Localised Conflicts, Grievances and Transnational Violence: watch video online...
  • Darwish Al Emadi (Qatar University, Qatar) The Challenges of Surveying in Countries with Unorthodox Population Pyramid: watch video online...  


You can find the presentations on our web-site via the link bellow (the rest of the presentations will be uploaded till next week): 


The video of key lectures are added on our Youtube channel (the rest of the videos will be uploaded till next week):



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