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 Program of the 5th International Annual Research Conference

You may find the presentations of the LCSR Conference`s participants bellow.
Video records of key lectures are available on our YouTube chanel


November 16, 2015 (Monday) 

Opening Session (Myasnitskaya str. 11, room 518)

Opening Speech Evgeny Yasin (Academic Supervisor of HSE, Moscow), Mariya Yudkevich (Vice-Rector, HSE, Moscow), Andrey Melville (Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, HSE, Moscow), Alexander Chepurenko (Head of Sociology Department, HSE, Moscow)

Welcome words from Ronald Inglehart (LCSR HSE, Moscow & University of Michigan) and Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg).

Plenary Session 1

Ronald Inglehart (LCSR HSE, Moscow & University of Michigan) - Modernization and Inequality - Key Lecture

Marita Carballo (Social and Political Academy of Argentina, Argentina) -Subjective Wellbeing and Public Policy - Key Lecture

Working Session 1.1

Stefano Bartolini  (University of Sienna, Italy) - Envying Alone. Social Poverty as an Engine of Social Comparisons (invited Presentation)

Kazuhiro Kumo  (Hitotsubashi University, Japan) - Research on Poverty in Transition Economies: A Meta-analysis on Changes in the Determinants of Poverty (invited presentation)

Alexi Gugushvili  (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)- Intergenerational Social Mobility and Popular Explanations of Poverty: A Multi-Level and Cross-National Analysis (progress report)

Working Session 1.2

Oxana Bondarenko  (HSE, Moscow) (Alexei Zakharov) (invited presentation)

Olga Popova  (University of Regensburg, Germany) (with Vladimir Otrachshenko) - Do Happy People Bribe Less? (progress report)

Ivan Aymaliev  (HSE, Moscow) - Business Policemen Behind the Blue Veil of Silence (invited presentation)

  •    Presentation is not available

Working Session 2.1

Violetta Korsunova  (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) - Social Status and Cultural Consumption across Europe: Comparative Perspective (progress report)

Kwon Hye Won  (University of Iowa, USA) - A Cross-Cultural Study on Social Stratification in Psycho-logical Resources — Sense of Control and Grit (new project)

Laur Lilleoja  (Tallin University, Estonia)(with Mai Beilman) - Explaining the Relationship between Value Similarity and Social Class (invited presentation)

Working Session 2.2

Alexander Chepurenko   (HSE, Moscow), Vladimir Elakhovskiy, Olga Obraztsova - Cross-regional Variations in the Level of Entrepreneurial Activity in Russia by Type of Motivation: Determining Factors (invited presentation)

Anna Nemirovskaya (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) - Self-reported Identities and Well-being in the Regions of Russia (final report)

Andrey Yakovlev  (HSE, Moscow),  Anton Kazun ­ (HSE, Moscow) -Community of Attorneys and the Quality of Law Enforcement in Russian Regions - (invited presentation)

Special session 1 

Francesco Sarracino (STATEC, Luxembourg) - Explaining Russian exception: containing income inequality promotes life satisfaction – Special Lecture

Evgeny Yasin (HSE, Moscow), Alla Salmina (HSE, Moscow) - Impact of Prior Development Trajectories on the Values and Attitudes of the Population: A Comparison of Germanу and Russia – Special Lecture

November 17, 2015 (Tuesday)

Plenary Session 2

Christian Haerpfer (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom) - Political Participation in Global Comparison. Patterns of Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas - Key Lecture

Bi Puranen (Institute for Future studies, Sweden) - The Relation between Muslim Localised Conflicts, Grievances and Transnational Violence -  Key Lecture

Working Session 3.1

Anna Andreenkova  (CESSI - Institute for Comparative Social Research, Moscow) –  Stability and Change in Russian and European Social Attitudes in recent two decades – Presentation of 7th round of ESS - (invited presentation)

  •  LCSR_Presentation_Andreenkova.pdf

Dmytro Khutkyy  (Kiev International Institute of Sociology, Ukraine) - Social Development or Social Crisis: Modernization Theory vs World-Systems Analysis  (new project)

Marharyta Fabrykant  (HSE, Moscow) - Nationalism and Economic Attitudes: Individual Profiles in Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective (progress report)

Jan A. Kutylowski (University of Oslo, Norway) - From Indications trough Indicators to Realistic Statistical Models in the Comparative Survey Studies of the Dynamics of Value Orientations (new project)

  • Coming soon

Working Session 3.2

Ewa Jarosz  (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)-  Analysis of Subjective Wellbeing and Social Values in the Context of the Macro-Level Behavioural Patterns (progress report)

Anna Ermolina  (HSE, Moscow) - Active Ageing Components as the Determinates of Subjective Well-being in the Late Life Period (new project)

Regin Firat  (Georgia State University, USA) - Discrimination and Subjective Well-being: The Moderating Effects of Value Orientations (progress report)

Daria   Salnikova (LCSR HSE, Moscow)- Social Capital and Socio-Economic Well-being of Households in Transition Economies (new project)  

Special session 2 

Nina Belyaeva (HSE, Moscow) - Formal Concept Analysis and the Problem of Democracy Evaluation: possible tool for knowledge discovery and “comparing the comparators” – Special Lecture

Joshua Dubrow  (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) - Measuring Political Inequality of Voice Worldwide –  Special Lecture

Special session 3 

Rima Wilkes (University of British Columbia, Canada) , Carry Wu  (University of British Columbia, Canada)-Trust, ethnicity, and democracy (progress report)

Andrey Melville  (HSE, Moscow) - Quality of Institutions in Post-Communist Regimes: A Comparative Analysis –  Special Lecture


Public Lecture by Ronald Inglehart - Changing Values and Social Change

November 18, 2015 (Wednesday)

Plenary Session 3 

Darwish Al-Emadi  (Qatar University, Qatar) - The Challenges of Surveying in Countries with Unorthodox Population Pyramid - Key Lecture

Yasir Al Muqbel  (Research and Media Center, Dubai Consultancy, UAE) – Using Media Analysis to Rank Public Interest Issues – Quantitative Methodology -  Key Lecture

Working Session 4.1

Stefan Kruse  (Leuphana University, Germany) - Social capital and the effectiveness of foreign aid to the health sector (new project)

Olesya Volchenko (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) - Relationship between Trust and Information Consumption: Disentangling Cross-Country Variation (progress report)

Kyungmin Baek (HSE, Moscow) (with Minzee Kim and Yong Suk Jang) - Structural, Human Rights Bases of Public Trust  (invited presentation)

Elena  Gaber (HSE, St. Petersburg) - Tolerance and Self-Estimation in Europe (new project)

Working Session 4.2

Malgorzata Mikucka  (University of Leuvan), Francesco Sarracino  (STATEC, Luxembourg)   -  Trends of Family Attitudes in Europe (new project)

Dmitryi Zakotyanski, Tatiana KarabchukAnna Ryabchikova  (LCSR HSE, Moscow) - Fertility Differences in The MENA Region: A Cross-National Study (final report)

Anna Ryabchikova, Tatiana Karabchuk  (LCSR HSE, Moscow) - Number of children and family values across Europe: does generation matter? (progress report)

Vladimir Kozlov  (HSE, Moscow), Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Moscow) The Role of Parental Family in Predicting the Attitudes towards Sexual Liberalization (case of Europe) (progress report)

Working Session 5.1

Elena Prutskova, Daria Oreshina, Elena Melkumyan  (St.Tikhon’s Orthodox University, Moscow)  - Religious Factor and Civil Society: the Diversity of Social Life and Voluntary Associations in Russian Orthodox Church Parishes (based on the Orthodox Monitor Survey) (invited presentation)

 Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) (with Vasiliy Usenko) - Suicide in US

Working Session 5.2

Nina Conkova  (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) (with Tineke Fokkema, Pearl A. Dykstra) - Beyond Family and Welfare State Solidarity: A European Comparison of the Impact of Political History on Non-Kin Support(invited presentation)

Alexei Oshchepkov  (CLMS HSE, Moscow), Maria Kravtsova (LCSR HSE, Moscow) - The Shadow of the Family: Historical Roots of Particularism in Europe (new project)

Cinzia Di Novi (Dipartimento di Economia Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy) - The Role of Family and Cultural Differences in Explaining the Relationship between the Provision of Informal Care and the Informal Caregivers Well-Being (new project)

November 19, 2015 (Thursday)

Plenary Session 4

Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico) - Understanding Citizen Satisfaction with Democracy: Empirical Evidence from 18 Latin American Countries - Key Lecture

Juan Diez-Nicolas ( Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain) - Perception of Subjective Security in International Comparative Perspective -  Key Lecture

Working Session 6.1

Ekaterina Selezneva (University of Regensburg, Germany) - Employment and Its Impact on Life Satisfaction through Lens of Risk and Time Preferences (progress report)

  • Coming soon

Anita Moiseeva (LCSR HSE, Moscow) - Gender Inequality of Youth in Labour Markets Across the World: Insights from the World Value Survey (progress report)

Edgar Demetrio Tovar García (HSE, Moscow) - Migration Background and Educational Achievements in Russia: A Quantitative Comparative Study of School Grades of Migrant and Native Pupils (new project)

  • Coming soon

Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Moscow) – The Relation between Work Values, Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction (new project)

Working Session 6.2

Peter Meylakhs  (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) and Alexandra Makeeva (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) -Cultural Values and the index of enabling policy environment for HIV prevention among PWID in the European Region(progress report)

Alexi Gugushvili (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)- Rapid Privatization and Mortality and Russia: Multilevel Indirect Demographic Cohort Study (invited presentation)

Scott Frey (University of Tennessee, USA) - Infant Mortality in the World-System: The Cross-National Evidence (new project)

Andrey Shcherbak  (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) - Food and Values: How a European Diet May Shape Cultural Change? (new project)

Special session 4

Dmitry Zaitsev  (HSE, Moscow) - Fighting Myths in Democracy Evaluation by Formal Concept Analysis Framework: Measuring Qualities vs Measuring Defects  –  Special Lecture

Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) – Index of Emancipative Values: Measurement Model Misspecifications   – Special Lecture

Anna Almakaeva  (LCSR HSE, Moscow) (together with Sarah Spencer) -The Significance of Work for Voluntary Associations: A Cross-National Comparison (progress report)

November 20, 2015 (Friday)

Plenary Session 5

Christian Welzel  (LCSR HSE, Moscow & Leuphana University, Germany) - Misconceptions of Measurement Equivalence: Internal Coherence versus External Validity -  Key Lecture

Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen, Germany) - Attitudes toward Immigration of the New Methods to Establish Equivalence in Cross-cultural Research: Approximate Invariance with Bayes and Alignment - Key Lecture

Working Session 7.1 

Aygul Mavletova  (HSE, Moscow) - Is Willingness to Take Risks Contagious? A Comparison of Immigrants and Native-Born - (invited presentation)

Olga Gurkina (HSE, Moscow) (with Tatiana Karabchuk and Anita Moiseeva) - Vectors of Potential Migration in Post-Soviet Countries: Age and Regional Differentiation (invited presentation)

Mihail Peleah  (UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub)  - Mobility in Europe and Central Asia: a comparative look (invited paper)

Vladimir Pereboev  (Eurasian Bank of Development, Centre for Integration Studies) – Public Attitudes Towards Eurasian Economic Integration in the CIS Region Countries (invited presentation)

Working Session 7.2

Anna Shirokanova  (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) - Perception of Mutual Help among Alone-Living Europeans before and after the Recession (progress report)

Ekaterina Lytkina (LCSR HSE, Moscow) (with Andreas Zick) - Alienation and Group-Focused Enmity in the European Context (progress report)

Leonie Steckermeier (Institute for Sociology, Magdeburg) (with Jan Delhey, Christian Schneickert) - Revisiting the Spirit - Level Theory: It’s Competition, Not Inequality (invited presentation)

Tatiana Khavenson  (HSE, Moscow),  Martin Carnoy (Stanford University, HSE, Moscow) - Analyzing the Impact of Educational Reforms on Russian- Medium Students in the Baltic Countries and Russia: A "Natural Experiment"-(invited paper)

Special session 5

Mariya Yudkevich (HSE, Moscow) - Academic inbreeding: local challenge, global problem– Special Lecture

Konstantin Fursov, Valentina Poliakova and Elena Chernovich (HSE, Moscow) - Do people trust in science? Public attitudes to S&T in a cross-national perspective –  Special Lecture

Isak Froumin (HSE, Moscow) - Higher education system dynamics in post-Soviet countries – Special Lecture

Closing Session (Myasnitskaya str. 20, room 125)

Closing Speech by Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE, St. Petersburg) and Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE, Moscow & Leuphana University, Germany)





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