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Call for edited volume “Social Capital, Subjective Well-being and Modernization”

The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) headed by Ronald Inglehart invites you to contribute a chapter to the Springer’s volumeSocial Capital, Subjective Well-being and Modernization”.

Publisher: Springer-HSE joint series “Societies and Political Orders in Transition” (http://www.springer.com/series/15626).


  1. Anna Almakaeva (Higher School of Economics, Russia), aalmakaeva@hse.ru;
  2. Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico), amoreno@itam.mx;
  3. Rima Wilkes (University of British Columbia, Canada); wilkesr@mail.ubc.ca.

Introduction: Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan, USA; Higher School of economics, Moscow).

Conclusion: Christian Welzel (Leuphana University Lueneburg, Germany, Higher School of economics, Moscow).


About the book:

This book aims to analyze various facets of social capital and subjective well-being, as well as their interactions, under changing socio-economic and political conditions – whether caused by modernization or economic crisis.

According to Inglehart and Welzel (2005), modernization is a threefold process covering three main domains: economic, cultural and institutional. Economic development provides the feeling of existential security which results in a shift from materialist (survival) to post-materialist (self-expression) values. Such value shift, in turn, brings a set of changes of many life domains: gender roles, marital behavior, fertility, religiosity, attitudes towards environment etc. Furthermore, self-expression values activate people’s demand for freedom and create a new type of civic culture which modifies political institutions making them more responsive and efficient. At the same time, modernization is not a linear process since harsh socio-economic transformations produce modernization throwback towards materialist (survival) values. These two kinds of changes have different effects on social capital and subjective well-being that our book is seeking to reveal. It will illustrate the variety of social capital and well-being, their regional distribution and trends, their drivers and consequences under different stages of modernization.

We are looking for contributions using quantitative comparative methodology and large cross-cultural data sets (World Values Survey, European Social Survey, European Value Study, Life in Transition, Latinobarometer, Afrobarometer etc.). We welcome studies which focus on Post-Soviet countries, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. We also welcome papers on other regions of the world.

Previous volumes of the Springer-HSE joint series “Societies and Political Orders in Transition” were devoted to topics such as participatory democracy, non-Western social movements, Post-Communism, values and identities change, entrepreneurship in transition economies, etc.


Recommended Topics. Submitted papers might address (but need not be limited to) the following topics:

  • Happiness and life satisfaction
  • Trust
  • Pro-social norms and values
  • Pro-social behaviour
  • Civic culture and civic engagement
  • Social ties   
  • Human values
  • Political behavior

ubmission Deadlines and Procedure

  1. Submission of short abstracts. An abstract of around 300 words should be submitted to ttonyan@hse.ru and lcsr.event@hse.ru by January 10th, 2018. Abstracts should include the working title of the proposed chapter, the list of authors with their affiliation, and the details of the corresponding author.
  2. Notification of selected abstracts. The editors will select the most promising abstracts and inform prospective authors of their editorial decision by February 16th, 2018
  3. Submission of extended abstracts. The extended outline of a chapter of around 1,000-1,500 words should be submitted to ttonyan@hse.ru and lcsr.event@hse.ru by March 5th, 2018.
  4. Submission of the first draft. The first draft of the chapter should be submitted by September 1th, 2018. Chapters should be around 6,000 words in length. The style sheet for references and bibliography will be forwarded.
  5. Double peer-review. Each author is expected to review two other chapters of the book. The comments of the reviews will reach all authors by October 30th, 2018 .
  6. Submission of the revised chapter. The revised draft of the chapter should be submitted by January 30th, 2019.
  7. Editor’s comments and external review. The editors will send their comments and those of the external reviewers by August 1th, 2019.
  8. Submission of final papers. The final versions of the chapters should be submitted by October 15th, 2019.