Eduard Ponarin was invited to the Editorial Board of the Social Forces journal
The head of the LCSR, professor Eduard Ponarin was invited to become a member of the Editorial Board of Social Forces, an international journal for social research.
Young HSE Researchers Receive Awards from Moscow Government
The Moscow Government has presented various awards to several young HSE researchers - Aigul Mavletova, Evgeny Feigin and Alexey Vdovin.
Golden Citation Award: Christian Welzel is the Winner!
The winner of Golden Citation Award was announced in Moscow at the Golden HSE Award ceremony in Moscow. In 2017, LCSR chief research fellow Christian Welzel has become the winner!
Veronica Kostenko has defended her PhD thesis
LCSR’s research fellow Veronica Kostenko has defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!
On the new book by Ronald Inglehart
Cambridge University Press has accepted a new monograph by Ronald Inglehart for publication in early 2018. LCSR is prepares Russian-language translation of the book.
Values in Transtiton? ― Ronald Inglehart gave an interview to the Russia Today TV channel (23.04.2017)
Martin Luther King famously said that the arc of history is bending toward justice - a statement sometimes dismissed as too idealistic but one that may actually have a basis in social science. More than thirty years of research by Ronald Inglehart suggest that, in the long run, democratisation, with its attendant social and legal justice, is inevitable. But how long is that long run? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) during XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.
First day of the 7th LCSR International Workshop “Subjective Well-being and Growing Inequality across the Globe”
We are pleased to announce that the 7th LCSR International Workshop “Subjective Well-being and Growing Inequality across the Globe” started on Tuesday, 11 April at the HSE, Moscow. The Seminar is organized within the XVII April International Academic Conference at the HSE. The event will last until April 14.
Seventh LCSR International Workshop Program is Published
Program of the 7th LCSR International Workshop «Subjective Well-being and Growing Inequality across the Globe» is now published on the site of the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, 11-14 April, 2017).
Expanding the Human Mind: Christian Welzel gave a lecture on TED Talks
Dr. Chris Welzel, LCSR's Chief Research Fellow, gave a TED talk titled "Moral Progress: Expanding the Human Mind" at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. Use the link to watch video.
Christian Welzel will give lectures to the HSE graduate students
On 20th and 21st of September Christian Welzel will give two lectures to the students of the HSE master’s programme 'Comparative Social Research'.