Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low income countries: do happiness equations differ across countries
A paper by Francesco Sarracino has just been accepted to the Journal of Socio-Economics
LCSR Annual Conference - Day 5
Ekaterina Turanova presented a review of the last day of our Conference
LCSR Annual Conference - Day 4
Pavel Kuzmichev sums up the most interesting reports of the fourth day of the Conference
Field Experiment Estimate of Electoral Fraud in Russian Parliamentary Elections
A paper by Ruben Enikolopov, Vasily Korovkin, Maria Petrova, Konstantin Sonin and Alexei Zakharov, an associate researcher at the LCSR, has been conditionally accepted to Proceedings of National Academy of Science
Gender Attitudes in the Arab World
Veronica Kostenko presented her report at the LCSR regular seminar
LCSR Annual Conference - The Plenary Session
Ekaterina Turanova and Irina Vartanova highlighted reports of the third day of the Conference
Current Tendencies in Social Science
Laboratory’s fame have reached the middle of Dnipro
LCSR Annual Conference - Day 2
Stanislav Moiseev provided a summary of the day
LCSR Annual Conference - 2012. Day 1
Read a report by Olga Basmanova
On the Eve
The LSCR Annual Conference starts tomorrow!