LCSR Summer School Day 8
Comparative educational studies are the main topic for discussion at the School today. Read more in the review of Day 8 by Natalia Soboleva
LCSR Summer School Day 7
Anna Mironova told about Day 7 of the LSCR Summer School
LCSR Summer School Day 6
Begin to learn again! Marina Nikitina tells about the first day of the second week of the School.
LCSR Summer School Day 5
Alexandra Shishova tells about the last working day of the first week of the Summer School!
LCSR Summer School Day 4
Courses become more complicated and reports are interesting as usual. Read atricle on the Lab website to know morel
LCSR Summer School Day 3
Today on Summer School: international migration trends, migrant values, nationalistic attitudes and guest lecture by professor Duelmer.
LSCR Summer School Day 2
Themes in Ageing, Well-Being and Health
LCSR Summer School Day 1
Our Summer School has begun yesterday by nice teambuilding evening and now "LCSR News Agency" starts to publish daily reportages from the Helios Hotel in the town of Zelenogorsk near Saint Petersburg where School is being held on the Website of the Lab. Reviews of participants' reports and guest lectures and all the information about other interesting events both formal and informal will be posted up here during the next two week.
LCSR Summer School – 2012 has started!
The 2nd Summer School "Causal Models and Structural Equations" of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research has started on June 1st, 2012 in Saint-Petersburg. Both courses on advanced statistical methods and progress reports presentations of LCSR researchers are sheduled.
Value orientations in business community
Natalia Soboleva presented her report «Value orientations in business community as a modernization factor in modern Russia» on the LSCR`s seminar in 14th of June.