Conference "Islamic Migrants in Russia, Europe and America"
December 15, 2011 LCSR (HSE) organized the conference "Islamic Migrants in Russia, Europe and America" in St. Petersburg. The lectures were given by well-known researchers - Mark Tessler and Kenneth Kollman. This is the first visit of this experts to Russia, where they presented their latest research, hosted in collaboration with scientists of HSE.
Police and Corruption
On December, 15th, 2011, Leonid Kosals, Senior Research Fellow of LCSR, gave a talk on “Police Corruption and Side-Work in Post-Communist Countries: Comparative Analysis”.
Does post-Soviet space have a common future?
Olga Kamenchuk, Director on International and Public Relations (VCIOM), presented her report “Does post-Soviet space have a common future?” on December 8, 2011. It was timed to the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
Comparative Sociology in Quantitative Perspective
The LCSR conference " Comparative Sociology in Quantitative Perspective " took place in Moscow from 25th to 28th of November. It was an important event in the life of the laboratory, because the first results of the researchers work were summed up.
Thinking Conceptually, Analyzing Empirically: The New Europe Barometer
On November, 17th, 2011 Richard Rose, Director of the Centre for the Study of Public Policy and 6th Century Chair in Politics (University of Aberdeen) gave a talk on “Thinking Conceptually, Analyzing Empirically: The New Europe Barometer”.
Nationalism in Russian republics: historical and comparative perspective
On November, 10th, 2011 Andrey Scherbak (research fellow at the LCSR) gave a talk on “Nationalism in Russian republics: historical and comparative perspective”.
The Russians’ fate can be compared with the North people’s fate in some sense
Russia takes up the 89th place in the World Values Survey happiness rating with a negative level of happiness. Eduard Ponarin, a sociologist and professor at Higher School of Economics tells why Russians feel rather miserable than happy.
Surveying Migrants in Moscow Suburbs
On November, 3, 2011 Evgeni Varshaver (research fellow at the LCSR) gave a talk on “Surveying Migrants in Moscow Suburbs”.
Subjective well-being of non-standard workers in Russia
On 27 October 2011 Tatiana Karabchuk (Deputy Director at the LCSR) and Marina Nikitina (research assistant at the LCSR) gave a talk on “Subjective well-being of non-standard workers in Russia".
State Formation and Secular-Rational Values
The regular LCSS working seminar took place on October 20, 2011. Roberto Foa, research fellow at LCSR, delivered a presentation on ''State Formation and Secular-Rational Values''.