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Summer School - 2014

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" is pleased to announce the 4th LCSR Summer School on “Categorical Data Analysis”. The general purpose of this course is to make the participants familiar with techniques for handling categorical data. The school will take place in  June 29 – July 12, 2014, near St. Petersburg,  Russia.

Keynote lecturer:  Jacques Hagenaars (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)

The mission of this summer school is to provide assistance for graduate students and young researchers from various fields within social sciences in developing their skills in quantitative social research with focus on categorical data analysis.

On competitive basis a restricted number of free of charge places will be spread. Besides, we will also provide additional 15 places for participants for 1000 euro (including accommodation, food and summer school fees). The deadline for submission is April 20, 2014


Summer School News


Preliminary day outline and course descriptions are available now:
Preliminary Programme


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