Course Information
Main course
Categorical Data Analysis
Lecturer: Jacques Hagenaars, Tilburg University
Assistant: Zsuzsa Bakk, Tilburg University
Lecture 1. Categorical variables and general basic concepts
Lecture 2. Loglinear modeling; testing and estimation
Lecture 3. Loglinear modelling; ordinal and interval variables; sparse tables
Lecture 4. Logit models
Lecture 5. Categorical SEM
Lecture 6. Latent class (measurement) model; basic model
Lecture 7. Variants of Latent structure models; Categorical SEM with latent variables
Lecture 8. Applications; Changes over Time; Survey complexities
Working on your own model
Finalizing your own model; Presenting your own model
Additional courses
Modernization and Cultural Change (3 lectures)
Lecturer: Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan, LCSR HSE)
Lecture 1. Evolutionary Modernization and Cultural Change
Lecture 2. Modernization, Secularization and Human Happiness
Lecture 3. Modernization and World Peace
Political support and Democratic Values in cross-national perspective (5 lectures)
Lecturer: Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Berlin)
Hans-Dieter Klingemann is a famous German political scientist, former President of European Political Science Network (epsNet; 2002-2005). He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Berlin, Germany. Prof. Klingemann is author, co-author, editor and co-editor of over 30 books, as well as of over 150 articles in peer-review political science journals. He made several important contributions to such topics as comparative politics, political parties, and electoral behavior.

Lecture 1. The Current State of Political Science: Where do we come from and where do we go? Developments in Political Science since 1990
Lecture 2. Political Support: A key concept linking political theory and empirical research: Easton’s theory of political support
Lecture 3. Political Representation: The psychological dimension
Lecture 4. Legitimacy: Is there a legitimacy crisis of representative democracy? What do we know and don’t?
- Lecture 5. Support of Democracy in Europe: An Empirical Assessment: On “Dissatisfied Democrats” An empirical analysis 1999-2008
Changes in attitudes and religiosity: how to measure them (2 master classes)
Lecturer: Kirill Zhirkov (LCSR NRU HSE)

Master class 1: How to measure attitudes and trace changes in them
Master class 2: How to measure religiosity
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