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Conference Presentations


Moderators: A. Almakaeva (HSE), E. Ponarin (HSE)

Tuesday, April 11

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-02. Key lectures 
Session moderator: E. Ponarin (HSE) 

R. Inglehart (HSE, University of Michigan)

Trump and the Xenophobic Populist Parties: Cultural Backlash and Declining Real Income | abstract, PDF

C. Welzel (HSE, Leuphana University of Luneburg)
The Myth of Deconsolidation: Rising Liberalism and the Populist Reaction in Mature | abstract, PDF

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-03. Human Values and Institutions 
Session moderator: A. Almakaeva (HSE) 

B. Sokolov (HSE), V. Kostenko (HSE), O. Volchenko (HSE)
Which Came First, Institutions or Values? The Case of the Same-Sex-Marriage Laws (progress report) | abstract, PDF

N. Soboleva (HSE)
The Effect of Work Values upon the Difference Between Life and Job Satisfaction (progress report) | abstract, PDF

T. Reeskens (Tilburg University), L. Vandecasteele (University of Tübingen)
Resilient Personalities. The Moderating Role of Human Values on the Negative Relationship between Economic Hardship and Subjective Well-Being across European Welfare States (guest presentation) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: R. Inglehart (HSE, University of Michigan), F. Sarracino (STATEC)

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-04. Special lectures 
Session moderator: A. Shcherbak (HSE) 

J. Billiet (Universite catholique de Louvain)
Some Reflection on Measurement and Theoretical Validity in Comparative Research With Cross-Country or/and Over Time Survey Data (special lecture) | abstract, PDF

F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Costs and Benefits of Including or Omitting Interaction Terms: A Monte Carlo Simulation | abstract, PDF

Wednesday, April 12

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-05. Key lectures 
Session moderator: R. Inglehart (HSE,University of Michigan) 

E. Uslaner (University of Maryland)
Corruption, Fairness, and Inequality | abstract

A. Moreno (ITAM)
A New Wave of Political Participation and Protest Behaviour | abstract, PDF

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-06. Inequality and political engagement 
Session moderator: V. Kostenko (HSE) 

M. Fatke (LMU Munich)
Economic Inequality, Individual Income and Political Trust (new project) | abstract, PDF

A. Shcherbak (HSE), B. Sokolov (HSE)
The Electoral Prize of Russian Ethnic Federalism: Do Republics Make Sense for the Kremlin? (new project) | abstract, PDF

K. Makarov (HSE)
Science to the People: Search for Determinants of Public Engagement with Science (new project) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: C. Welzel (HSE, Leuphana University of Luneburg), A. Moreno (ITAM)

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-07. Economic Crisis and its Consequences 
Session moderator: M. Zavadskaya (HSE) 

P. Scheepers (Radboud University), M. Setten (Utrecht University), M. Lubbers (Radboud University)
Support for Restrictive Immigration Policies in the European Union 2002-2013: the Impact of Economic Strain and Ethnic Threat for Vulnerable Economic Groups (guest presentation) (abstract

A. Makeeva (HSE), P. Savchenko (HSE)
The Global Economic Crisis and HIV Epidemic: Were Early Fears Justified? (new project) (abstract

E. Sirotkina (HSE), M. Zavadskaya (HSE)
How to Get Away with Murder in Russia: Population-based Survey Experiment on Political Support under Economic Crisis (new project) (abstract

Discussants: T. Reeskens (Tilburg University), V. Kostenko (HSE)

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-08. Special lectures 
Session moderator: A. Shcherbak (Cass Business School City University of London) 

A. Tangian (WSI)
Not for bad weather: macroanalysis of flexicurity with regard to the crisis (special lecture) (abstract

H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
Modernisation, Culture, and Moral Change in Europe: From Universalism to Contextualism | abstract, PDF

Thursday, April 13

Room 430, М-11

Session Tc-09. New Methodological Challenges to Investigation of Human Values 
Session moderator: M. Mikucka (Universite catholique de Louvain) 

R. Firat (Georgia State University)
Investigating Human Values with Brain Imaging (new project) | abstract, PDF

O. Volchenko (HSE), V. Korsunova (HSE)
Emancipative Values and Film Industry: Naked Facts from IMDb (progress report) (abstract

K. Hemmerechts (Free University of Brussels), N. Echeverria (Free University of Brussels)
The Role of Armed Conflicts in the Formation of Emancipative Values (new project) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: B. Sokolov (HSE), H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)

Room 430, М-11

Session Tc-10. Social Capital and Well-being 
Session moderator: T. Karabchuk (United Arab Emirates University) 

A. Oshchepkov (HSE), M. Kravtsova (HSE)
The Shadow of the Family: Historical Roots of Particularism in Europe (progress report) | abstract, PDF

A. Musson (ESSCA School of Management)
Different Wealth, Same Effects? Is Social Capital Leading to More Subjective Well-being? (new project) | abstract, PDF

M. Tomasuolo (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Milano)
Connecting Alone: Smartphone Use, Quality of Social Interactions and Well-being (new project) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: E. Uslaner (University of Maryland), A. Almakaeva (HSE)

Room 102, М-20

Session Tc-11. Gender Differences and Gender Attitudes 
Session moderator: R. Firat (Georgia State University) 

O. Strebkova (HSE)
Gender Inequality in Arab Countries: Testing for Measurement Invariance and Searching for the Sources of Noninvariance | abstract, PDF

T. Karabchuk (United Arab Emirates University), K. Kumo (Institute of Economic Research), H. Duelmer (University of Cologne)
How Many Children to Have? Case Study of Germany, Japan, UAE and Russia: Female Employment, Family Labor Division and Childbirth (new project) | abstract, PDF 

M. Mikucka (Universite catholique de Louvain)
The Gender Gap in Depression and Gender Equality (new project) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: N. Soboleva (HSE), A. Shirokanova (HSE)

Room 430, М-11

Session Tc-12. Well-being and Its Components 
Session moderator: H. Duelmer (University of Cologne) 

F. Sarracino (STATEC)
Comparability of Web and Telephone Surveys for the Measurement of Subjective Well-being (new project) | abstract, PDF

A. Shirokanova (HSE)
Disentangling Subjective Well-Being Components on Individual and Country Levels (new project) | abstract, PDF

A. Ermolina (HSE)
Social Capital as the Source of Subjective Well-being in the Late Life in Central and Eastern European countries (progress report) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: R. Firat (Georgia State University), A. Almakaeva (HSE)

Friday, April 14

Room 428, М-11

Session Tc-13. Corruption and Terrorism 
Session moderator: F. Sarracino (STATEC) 

S. Dokuka (HSE)
How Trust Enables Social Cohesion? The Evidence from Student Friendship Network Dynamics (new project) | abstract, PDF

M. Fabrykant (HSE)
Are Nationalists Centrists? Introducing and Testing the Concept of Political “Banal” Nationalism (new project) | abstract, PDF

K. Chmel (HSE)
The Openness and Democracy as Determinants of the International Terrorism Spread Trajectories (new project) | abstract, PDF

Discussants: E. Ponarin (HSE), A. Shcherbak (HSE)

Room 428, М-11

Session Tc-14. Economic Growth 
Session moderator: E. Ponarin (HSE) 

A. Cherniak (Warsaw School of Economics), P. Graca-Gelert (Warsaw School of Economics)
The Impact of Income Inequality on Economic Growth – the Role of the Perception and Acceptance of Income Inequality (new project) | abstract, PDF

E. Mitrokhina (HSE)
Authoritarianism and Economic Growth (new project) | abstract, PDF

S. Kozlova (Siberian Federal University)
The Effects of Public and Private Health Care Expenditure on Health Status: Comparative Analysis U.S., Canada, England, Australia, Russia (new project) | abstract, PDF 

Discussants: B. Sokolov (HSE), F. Sarracino (STATEC)


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