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 Program of the 6th LCSR International Research Workshop.pdf

You may find the presentations of the LCSR Conference`s participants bellow.
Video records of key lectures are available on our YouTube chanel.


April, 18 (Monday). Room 102, Myasnitskaya 20


Registration of participants


Welcoming words from Eduard Ponarin and Christian Welzel


Key Lecture

Moderator: Eduard Ponarin

Ronald Inglehart (LCSR HSE, Russia; University of Michigan, USA)

Reshaping Human Motivations and Society, 1896 – 2014


Coffee break


Session 1. Values, Cultural Change and Historical Legacies

Moderator: Anna Almakaeva

Tim Reeskens (Tilburg University, Netherlands),

Leen Vandecasteele (Tuebingen, Germany)

The Great Recession and Young Europeans - invited presentation

Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Establishing invariance of pro-choice values across countries in the World Values Survey: an approximate Bayesian approach - progress report

Discussants: Roberto Foa, Andrey Shcherbak


Lunch time


Session 2. Family Attitudes and Social Support

Moderator: Christian Welzel

Malgorzata Mikucka (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium), Francesco Sarracino (STATEC, Luxembourg)

Trends of Family-Related Attitudes in Europe - progress report

Nina Conkova (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Non-Kin Ties as a Source of Support in Europe: Unravelling the Role of Context - new project

Anna Shirokanova (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Happiness Among Alone-Living Europeans of Old and Young Age - progress report

Discussants: Natalia Soboleva, Scott Frey


Coffee break


Special Lecture

Moderator: Eduard Ponarin

Andranik Tangian (WSI, Germany)

Decreasing Labor-Labor Exchange Rate as a Cause of Inequality Growth

April, 19 (Tuesday). Room 102, Myasnitskaya 20


Plenary Session at the XVI April Conference


Session 3. Labor Attitudes, Work Values and Innovations

Moderator: Peter Meylakhs

Veronika Kostenko (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Attitudes to Female Labor and Employment Rights among Migrants in Western Europe compared to European Locals and to Publics of Sending Societies. Non-Nested Multilevel Analysis- progress report

Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia)

The effect of work values upon the difference between life satisfaction and job satisfaction

Michael Ickowitz (University of Tennesee, USA)

Innovation Capacity Indicators, Personal Freedoms, and GDP Growth Rates - new project

Discussants:  Malgorzata Mikucka, Marharyta Fabrykant


Lunch time


Session 4. Quality of Government and Leadership

Moderator: Ronald Inglehart

Anna Nemirovskaya (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia),

Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Democracy vs. Political Leadership in Russia: the Conflict of Normative Attitudes and the 'Real World' Politics - new project

Margarita Zavadskaya (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

The Wind of Change? Two Mechanisms of Protest Mobilization in Russia 2011-12. An instrumental Variable Approach - new project

Maria Ravlik (University of Goettingen, Germany),

Amy Alexander  (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE, Russia & Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany)

The Root Cause of Good Government: Gender Equality in the Household - new project 

Discussants: Boris Sokolov, Andranik Tangian


Coffee break


Key Lecture

Moderator: Eduard Ponarin

Timur Kuran (Duke University, USA)

Trust, Cooperation, and Development: Historical Roots

April, 20 (Wednesday). Room 102, Myasnitskaya 20


Key Lecture

Moderator: Malgorzata Mikucka

Christian Welzel (LCSR HSE, Russia & Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany)

Democracy Betrayed: Why People View an Undemocratic Situation as Democratic


Coffee break


Session 5. Values and Cultural Consumption

Moderator: Scott Frey

Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

The Recipe for Democracy? The Spread of European Diet and Political Change - progress report

Roberto Foa (Harvard University, USA)

The Return of Secularization – New Data and Evidence - invited presentation

Violetta Korsunova (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Social Status and Cultural Consumption in Comparative Perspective: Case of European Countries - progress report

Discussants: Ronald Inglehart, Michael Ickowitz


Lunch time


Session 6. Nationalism, Tolerance, and Migration

Moderator: Andranik Tangian

Valentina Rotondi (Catholic University of Milan, Italy)

The Less Extreme, the More You Leave: Radical Islam and Willingness to Migrate - progress report

Marharyta Fabrykant (Belarusian State University, Belarus)

Country Level Mediators of the Relation of National Pride to Support for Economic Liberalism - progress report

Elena Gaber (HSE in Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Tolerance to Immigrants in Europe: Individual and Country Level Factors - progress report

Discussants: Plamen Akaliyski, Boris Sokolov


Coffee break


Special Lecture

Moderator: Peter Meylakhs

Francesco Sarracino (STATEC, Luxembourg)

Estimation Bias due to Duplicated Observations: a Monte Carlo Simulation

April, 21 (Thursday). Room 102, Myasnitskaya 20


Key Lecture


Moderator: Eduard Ponarin

Eric Uslaner (University of Maryland, USA)

Trust and Corruption Perceptions in Russia


Coffee break



Session 7. Integration and Social Crisis


Moderator: Anna Nemirovskaya

Dmytro Khutkyy (Kiev International Institute of Sociology, Ukraine)

Social Development or Social Crisis: Modernization Theory vs. World System Analysis - progress report

Ekaterina Lytkina (LCSR HSE, Russia)

Anomie and Alienation in a Comparative Perspective - final report

Daria Kolesnikova  (LCSR HSE, Russia)

European Integration: Disappointment vs Happiness? – new project

Discussants: Christian Welzel, Anna Shirokanova


Lunch time



Session 8. Trust, Media Consumption and Entrepreneurship

Moderator: Peter Meylakhs

Bibhu Prasad Nayak (Tata Institute of Social Science, India)

Trust and Reciprocity among Urban Slum Dwellers in India Experimental Findings from a Trust Game in Hyderabad - invited presentation

Olesya Volchenko (LCSR HSE in St. Petersburg, Russia)

Relationship between Trust and Media Consumption: Disentangling Cross-Country Variation - final report

Sofia Paklina (HSE in Perm, Russia)

Trust and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from 15 European Countries - new project

  • Coming soon...

Discussants: Ivan Aymaliev, Francesco Sarracino


Coffee break


Session 9. Social Capital, Quality of Governance & Economic Development

Moderator: Malgorzata Mikucka

Filippos Exadaktylos (University of Reading, UK)

Social Capital under Good and Bad Governance - new project

Francesco Sarracino (STATEC, Luxembourg),

Fabio Sabatini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Keeping up with the E-Joneses: Do Online Social Networks Raise Social Comparisons? - new project

Plamen Akaliyski (University of Oslo, Norway)

Historical legacies, cross-country interactions and value convergence in Europe

Discussants: Anna Almakaeva, Bibhu Prasad Nayak

April, 22 (Friday). Room 102, Myasnitskaya 20


Key Lecture

Moderator: Ronald Inglehart

Scott Frey (University of Tennessee, the USA)

Infant Mortality in the World-System: The Cross-National Evidence

  • Coming soon...


Coffee break  


Session 10. Corruption and Economic Performance

Moderator: Francesco Sarracino

Tatiana Karabchuk (University in Al Ain, UAE),

Ivan Aymaliev (LCSR HSE, Russia)

Police Attitudes toward Corruption in Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Russia - progress report

Ivan Aymaliev (LCSR HSE, Russia)

Business Policemen behind the Blue Veil of Silence:  Determinants of Centrality, Sentencing, Murder and Whistleblowing in Corrupt Elite Networks - progress report

Roberta De Santis (Italian National Statistical Institute, Italy), 

C. Jona Lasino (International University for Social Studies "Guido Carli", Italy)

Institutional Quality, Trust, Environmental Policy, and Economic Performance in EU

Discussants: Eric Uslaner, Filippos Exadaktylos


Lunch time


Session 11. Subjective Well-being in Europe

Moderator: Christian Welzel

Anna Ermolina (HSE, Russia)

Social Capital as the Source of the Elderly’s Subjective Well-Being in Eastern European Countries - progress report

Daria Salnikova (LCSR HSE, Russia)

Social Capital and Socio-Economic Well-Being of Households in Transition Economies - progress report

Discussants: Anna Nemirovskaya, Anna Shirokanova


Closing Speech by Eduard Ponarin


LCSR staff meeting


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