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13 февраля – регулярный семинар ЛССИ

Мероприятие завершено

Тема: National Pride and Institutional Trust of Russia's Muslims
Спикеры: Эдуард Понарин, PhD, ведущий научный сотрудник ЛССИ; Артур  Мусаев, стажер-исследователь ЛССИ

13 февраля в 16:30 (GMT+3, 14:30 CET) состоится очередной регулярный семинар Лаборатории сравнительных социальных исследований. С докладом на тему “National Pride and Institutional Trust of Russia's Muslims” выступят Эдуард  Понарин, PhD, ведущий научный сотрудник ЛССИ, и Артур  Мусаев, стажер-исследователь ЛССИ.

Семинар пройдет в онлайн-формате. Ссылка на встречу в Zoom будет выслана после регистрации.


The non-Orthodox ethnic republics of the Russian Federation exhibited high levels of separatism during the 1990s. Meanwhile, ethnic republics whose religion is Russian Orthodoxy were by far less separatist even if the titular nation constituted a solid majority, as for instance is the case in Chuvashia where ethnic Chuvash make roughly 70% of the republic's population. Our interpretation of the religious factor has to do with long-haul history, including the pattern of incorporation of ethnic elites into the Russian state.

This paper, however, deals with less remote phenomena and traces religious differentials in national pride and institutional trust across cohorts of Russian Muslims and non-Muslims in a recent mass survey. We show that these differences are only significant for the 'perestroika' generation whose early adulthood coincided with the Soviet collapse and not for earlier or later cohorts. We interpret these finding in terms of cohort replacement and impressionable years theories. Furthermore, we explore the difference between Muslims of the Caucasus and the Volga-Urals areas.

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