4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 7
Ekaterina Dergunova tells about the most interesting events of the day
The 7th day of the 4th LCSR International Workshop started with the guest paper of Anna Andreenkova (CESSI – Institute for Comparative Social Research). She told about the interpretation discrepancies and normative evaluation of democracy among Russians and Europeans. Then Boris Sokolov (LCSR NRU HSE, SPb) delivered a report on his methodological research. He elaborates a new method for evaluating value polarization which is based on the latent class analysis. The session closed with the report of Rengin B. Firat (University of Iowa) on “Coalitional psychology: the missing link between ethnic polarization and well-being”.
The central event of the day was the presentation of Christian Welzel`s new book “Freedom Rising”. This work represents a generalization of empirical research projects conducted by him and his colleagues during the last years; Welzel presented a significantly revised and widened theory of modernization earlier developed by Inglehart and Welzel.
The next session began with Svetlana Khutka `s (National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy,” Ukraine) report devoted to the investigation of the relationship between dissatisfaction with the government, individual values and willingness to participate in protest actions. Dmitry Khutkyy (Kiev International Institute of Sociology, Ukraine) presented the results on his research on the impact of individual pro-active orientations on subjective well-being. Then Zhandos Ybrayev (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan) gave a talk on his new project comparing post-Soviet political regimes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The day was closed with a guest lecture delivered by Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Social Science Research Centre (WZB), Germany). His paper was devoted to the relationship between the political culture and the support for democracy institutions; he also investigates how the discontent with the real functioning of democracy can be useful for the support and perfection a political system.
by Ekaterina Dergunova