13th LCSR International Workshop
“Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”
23-26 April 2024, Moscow Time Zone (GMT+3)
Moscow, Myasnitskaya st. 11, and online
April 23, Tuesday
Myasnitskaya st. 11, room 319
17:00-18:10 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; VCIOM, Russia).
Hermann Duelmer (University of Cologne, Germany), “Testing Schwartz’s Model of Cultural Value Orientations with the European Social Survey: An Empirical Comparison of Additive Indexes with Factor Scores”
April 24, Wednesday
Myasnitskaya st. 11, room 328
11:15-12:25 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Iulia Moreva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; LCSR HSE, Russia), “Demystifying the Nature of Cultural Tightness Versus Looseness”
12:50-14:00 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Maria Kravtsova (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Alexander Libman (Free University of Berlin, Germany), “Historical Legacies of the BAM: Mechanisms of Persistance and Contemporary Effects”
15:20-17:30 / Session 1. Cultural Change and COVID-19 Pandemic ("Values in Crisis" Project). Chair – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Julia Afanasyeva (Independent Researcher), “Factors Predicting the Transition from COVID-Skepticism to Non-Skepticism”
Viyaleta Korsunava (LCSR HSE, Russia), “The Dynamics of 10 Basic Human Values in Russia during COVID-19 Pandemic”
Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE, Russia), “Evolution of Political Preferences in Russia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the VIC Data”
Larissa Hartle et al. (Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil), “Disentangling Value and Wellbeing Relationships: A Longitudinal Network Analysis Across Five National Samples”
17:50-19:00 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; VCIOM, Russia).
Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico), “Value Change in Mexico: Four Decades of Tracking Generational Replacement and Conformity Effects, 1982-2023”
April 25, Thursday
Myasnitskaya st. 11, room 328
10:00-11:10 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen, Germany), “Value Change in Germany: A Latent Growth Curve Model”
11:40-13:20 / Session 2. Subjective Well-Being and Values. Chair – Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE, Russia), Julia Afanasyeva (Independent Researcher), “The Effect of Political Regime on the Association of Values with Subjective Well-Being”
Iulia Moreva (LCSR HSE, Russia; European University at St. Petersburg, Russia), “The Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Political Participation in Autocracies”
Maria Kravtsova (LCSR HSE, Russia), Irina Levina (Independent Researcher), “Individual Locus of Control and Traditional Behavior in the Times of Uncertainty”
14:50-16:00 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Ekaterina Nastina (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Anna Andreenkova (CESSI, Russia), “Cross-Cultural Differences in Studying the Life Course Using Autobiographies”
16:20-17:30 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Vladimir Magun (Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Russia; HSE University, Russia), “The Evolution of Basic Human Values of the Russians, 2006-2021”
17:50-19:00 / Session 3. Sample Attrition in Panel Studies. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; VCIOM, Russia), “Selection Bias in Panel Studies? The Case of the LCSR Three-Wave Panel”
Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, Russia), Viyaleta Korsunava (LCSR HSE, Russia), Sergey Semenov (HSE in Saint Petersburg, Russia), “Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels”
April 26, Friday
Myasnitskaya st. 11, room 319
11:00-12:40 / Session 4. Attitudes and Behavior. Chair – Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Tatiana Tkacheva (LCSR HSE, Russia), Andrey Semenov (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan), Yaroslav Snarski (LCSR HSE, Russia), “Exploring Patterns of Environmental Protests in Russian Regions: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis”
Karolina Nugumanova (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy), Ivetta Sergeeva (EUI, Italy), Emil Kamalov (EUI, Italy), “Gendered Response to Conflict: Analysing Patterns of Political Activism of Russian Emigrants, 2022-2023”
Veronika Kostenko (Tel Aviv University, Israel), Ivetta Sergeeva (EUI, Italy), Emil Kamalov (EUI, Italy), “Gender Attitudes of Immigrants from Russia”
13:10-14:20 / Honorary Paper. Chair – Boris Sokolov (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Ronald Fischer (Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil), “How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies”
15:20-17:30 / Session 5. Subjective Well-Being. Chair – Natalia Soboleva (LCSR HSE, Russia).
Ekaterina Nastina (LCSR HSE, Russia), Anna Almakaeva (LCSR HSE, Russia; VCIOM, Russia), “Subjective Well-Being and Regional Quality of Life in Russia”
Tatiana Karabchuk (UAE University, UAE), Michael Gebel (University of Bamberg, Germany), “Unemployment and Subjective Well-Being Across the Globe: The Moderating Role of the Economic and Institutional Context”
Nikita Zubarev (LCSR HSE, Russia), “Subjective Well-Being, National Pride, and Trust in the President of Russia: A Path Analysis”
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