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13th LCSR International Workshop

The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the HSE University announces a call for the 13th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Comparative Study of Values”, that will take place both online and offline in Moscow from the 23th till the 26th of April 2024.




Honorary Speakers

Michael Minkov

Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Russia

Anna Andreenkova

Institute for Comparative Social Research (CESSI)

Peter Schmidt

Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Hermann Duelmer

University of Cologne, Germany

Alejandro Moreno

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico

Alexander Libman

Free University of Berlin, Germany

Vladimir Magun

Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Russia; HSE University, Russia

Ronald Fischer

Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil

Workshop News

  • How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies

    On Friday, April 26, the last day of the 13th LCSR International Workshop, Ronald Fisher (Instituto D'Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Brazil) presented an honorary paper “How Important are Values for Well-Being? A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis Across 111 Societies”.

  • Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels

    On April, 25th at the 13th LCSR International Workshop Boris Sokolov (LCSR, Russia) presented the study “Demographic, Contextual, and Attitudinal Factors of Attrition in Online Panels”.

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  • Demystifying the Nature of Cultural Tightness Versus Looseness

    The second day of the 13th LCSR International Workshop was opened with an honorary lecture by Michael Minkov (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; LCSR HSE, Russia) “Demystifying the Nature of Cultural Tightness Versus Looseness”.

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  • The 13th LCSR International Workshop Has Started

    Today, April 23, the 13th LCSR International Workshop started in Moscow. Since 2010, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research has annually brought together established and early career researchers engaged in comparative social studies. This year is no exception.

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