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Sixth LCSR International Workshop

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (NRU HSE) announces the Sixth LCSR International Workshop “Social and Cultural Changes in Cross-National Perspective: Subjective Well-being, Trust, Social capital and Values”, which will be held within the XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics on April 18 – April 22, 2016 in Moscow.



We are pleased to announce that the Sixth LCSR International Workshop “Trust, Social Capital and Values in a Comparative Perspective” started on Monday, 18 April at the HSE, Moscow.
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HSE.ru published an article about honorary lecture delivered by Ronald Inglehart (Academic Supervisor of LCSR) on ‘Reshaping Human Motivations and Society, 1896-2014’.
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Professor Christian Welzel (Chief Research Fellow, LCSR NRU HSE) and Anna Nemirovskaya (Senior Research Fellow, LCSR NRU HSE) gave an interview to Hse.ru.
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The LCSR staff prepared a review of Andranik Tangian`s lecture «Decreasing Labor-Labor Exchange Rate as a Cause of Inequality Growth»
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The LCSR staff prepared a review of Timur Kuran`s lecture «Trust, Cooperation and Development: Historical Roots»
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Summary of Prof. Christian Welzel's lecture on “Democracy Misunderstood: Authoritarian Notions of Democracy around the Globe”.
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Review of Professor Scott Frey's lecture “Infant Mortality in the World-System: The Cross-National Evidence”.
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Summary of Prof. Eric Uslaner's lecture on “Trust and Corruption Perceptions in Russia”.
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The LCSR staff prepared a summary of Francesco Sarracino`s lecture «Estimation bias due to duplicated observations: A Monte Carlo simulation».
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