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LCSR Summer School. Day 6

by Ekaterina Turanova 

A new week of LCSR Summer School has started. Ekaterina Turanova tells about the most interesting events of Monday.

The day started with the regular class by professor Duelmer. This was the last lecture of the course before participants began working on their own projects. Professor did his best to explain the idea measurement invariance. He told students about three different types of measurement invariance (configural, metric and scalar) and noticed that it was quite difficult to achieve. Special attention was paid to size of the sample: professor warned that the more countries were included into analysis, the more unwieldy was testing invariance. The second part of the lecture was dedicated to graphical representation of path models.

After lunch Dmytro Khutkyy (National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Ukraine), the first speaker of the progress report session presented his work “Proactive Orientation and Individual Activism as Causes of Personal Achievement and Subjective Well-Being” which is focused on analyzing interconnection between agency, values and well-being. Then Alla Marchenko (Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine) delivered a report on civic participation in Europe. She tried to find differences between factors of civic engagement in European countries both on country and individual level. Nicolas Griesshaber (Humboldt University Berlin) continued the topic engagement and presented research on the relationship between different forms of civic engagement and corruption. Nicolas took into consideration both more formal (membership in voluntary association) and informal (participating in elite-challenging actions) types of engagement.

During the break participants from Ukraine sprang a surprise on other students. They brought a big cake which looked like the Ukrainian flag to celebrate Independence Day of Ukraine. Cherry cake became a symbol of friendship of international research network.

After that small banquet members of LCSR staff participated in a team building activity. Researchers managed to get to know each other a bit better and discussed their scientific interests one more time.

Irina Nikiforova (HSE, Saint-Petersburg; PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology) delivered the first lecture on My SQL databases during the evening session. She introduced databases and database management systems to participants. Also she told about installation and management of MySQL and SQLite.

by Ekaterina Turanova