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Summer Academy in Tutzing

by Natalia Soboleva

Three researchers and three associated researchers of the Laboratory participated in the Fifth Joint IOS/APB/EACES Summer Academy on Central and Eastern Europe which took place in Tutzing, Germany, from 19 to 21 of June. The topic of the Academy was "Subjective Well-being: Determinants, Puzzles, Implications".

14 participants were selected for the participation in the Academy. Each participant was at the same time the presenter and the discussant of one of the other researchers. The Academy covered a wide range of topics concerning subjective well-being: subjective well-being in comparative perspective, social policy issues concerning subjective well-being, comparison of well-being of people with different work and family characteristics, etc. Key lectures were given by Andrew Clark (Paris School of Economics, France), Christopher Boyce (University of Sterling, UK), Natalia Danzer (Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Germany).

All the LCSR researchers gave presentations on the projects that they conduct in the Laboratory. During the first day of the Academy Svitlana Khutka gave a presentation on “Subjective well-being, human agency and values in transition vs. non-transition countries” and Natalia Soboleva presented the joint project with Tatiana Karabchuk and Marina NikitinaSubjective well-being of atypically employed”.

During the second day Francesco Sarracino, Malgorzata Mikucka and Tatiana Karabchuk presented their papers. Francesco Sarracino delivered a report on his research project What was all that growth for? Explaining Chinese decreasing well-being in times of economic growth. Malgorzata Mikucka gave a talk on Well-being premium to marriage. Time trends and macro processes involved. Tatiana Karabchuk presented her project “Career VS Children : the effects of institutional background on females’ subjective well-being across Europe”. During the last day of the Academy Julia Zelikova told about her research on “Successful Aging: A Cross-National Study of Subjective Well-Being in the Late Life Period”. It is worth noting that Malgorzata Mikucka was given a second award for the best paper competition.

The Summer Academy helped us to generate fruitful ideas for the development of our projects and to receive useful feedback. Furthermore, Tutzing is a nice place located on the lake Starnberg. It is quite suitable for being a venue for such kind of events like this Summer Academy. We would like to thank the organizers for opportunity to visit Tutzing and take part in the Academy.

by Natalia Soboleva