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Workshop On Multilevel Analysis

Report by Natalia Soboleva

Tatiana Karabchuk, Ekaterina Lytkina and Natalia Soboleva took part in the workshop on multi-level analysis taught by Andrew S. Fullerton, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology at Oklahoma State University:

The workshop on multi-level analysis was held in Berlin from December 12 to 14. It was organized by Berlin Graduate School in Social Sciences in Humboldt University. During the first day Professor Fullerton explained the basic two-level random intercept model and the basic two-level random coefficient model. The second day was devoted to growth models for longitudinal data and to three-level and cross-classified models. Finally, during the last day we considered multilevel models for binary, ordinal and nominal outcomes.

Professor Fullerton explained the interpretation of all the coefficients in Stata. He provided a lot of examples for all types of models. Quite a number of examples was connected with labor market research. The workshop allowed gaining knowledge and skills in conducting multilevel analysis. We will apply the results of the projects in our own research.

During the workshop we managed to get acquainted with PhD students of Humboldt University, to discuss our research and the possibilities of the future collaboration.

Although we were quite busy, we found some time to walk around and to enjoy Christmas markets. Berlin is a nice city to visit where it is very difficult to get lost. In the middle of December Christmas mood was present everywhere.

by Natalia Soboleva