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Trip to Rome

Tatiana Karabchuk is telling about the 33d IWPLMS Annual Conference.

33rd Annual Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation took place in Rome from the 13th to the 15th of September 2012. Tatiana Karabchuk, the deputy director of the LCSR, and Marina Nikitina, a research assistant at the Lab, were among the participants of the event.

The conference was totally devoted to the issues of labour market.A wide number of problems was discussed there – from recovering after crisis to the policy issues about public sector, labour legislation, types of employment and wages. The most interesting for me were the plenary sessions during which well-known experts gave their perspectives on the situation in their countries. It was a mixture of countries experience exchange between UK, Greece, Italia, Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Russia and Spain. The most relevant for us was the session on precarious work and health.

Together with Marina Nikitina we presented our joint research on casual and informal employment in Russia. The main idea of the project is to show the differences of the determinants of these types of employment for Russia comparing to other European countries. The further step of our research is to measure the subjective health and life satisfaction of those who have the precarious work.  

Despite that fact that night warm Rome met us with a crazy taxi-driver and two days of sharp rain at the end we got only positive impressions both from the conference and the last halve-day sightseeing the city center under the hot sun.

by Tatiana Karabchuk