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Социологическое чаепитие

31 марта С.-Петербурге прошла презентация магистерской программы "Современный социальный анализ", тесно связанной с

Даниил Александров и студенты :)"Modern social analysis" presentation was held on March 31, 2012 in the campus of the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. Head of the program mentioned above is HSE professor Daniel Alexandrov. Training on this Master's program is supplemented by the possibility of internships in various scientific subdivisions of the faculty such as Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory (SESL), Center for Youth Studies (CYR), Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) and some scientific and educational groups. The program provides an opportunity to study abroad and participate in different summer schools.

The meeting was held in the Center of Youth Studies. Not only the members of the Center were involved in the conversation, but also members of various Labs, professors and teachers of HSE.

The subject of the conversation was mainly prospects of research and the practical matter of the studying process in the Sociology Department.Firstly, students met with the conditions in which employees of the Center for Youth Studies work. And then Eduard Ponarin invited everyone to his laboratory, where he spoke about the main projects of the LCSR, and in particular about the index of subjective well-being.

At the end of the meeting Veronica Kostenko, junior research fellow of LCSR, has presented her research called "Archaization or modernization? Effect of age and education on social attitudes in the Arab East".

If you want to learn more about this meeting or Master’s program "Modern social analysis" visit our Vkontakte page or the St.Petersburg campus HSE site

By Irina Brun