'Golden Reference' Award: Aigul Mavletova is the Winner!
Aigul Mavletova, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, has become a winner of the 'Golden Reference' Award for her article "Data Quality in PC and Mobile Web Surveys"[*]. Her contestant were such serious scholars as Ronald Inglehart and Ora John Reuter. The results were announced in Moscow on November 27th, exactly on the HSE birthday.
LCSR staff hearty congratulates Aigul on the victory and wishes her further success!
'Golden Reference' Award was established by the Higher School of Economics and Elsevier Publishing Company (Netherlands) for the HSE employees, whose publications are highly cited according to Scopus data. The jury consisting of HSE employees and Elsevier experts selected the winners of the contest. Today's victory is the second one for the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research: in 2017 Academic Supervisor of the LCSR Christian Welzel became the winner of the Award.
[*] Mavletova A. (2013) Data Quality in PC and Mobile Web Surveys. Social Science Computer Review. Vol. 31. No. 6. P. 725—743. DOI: 10.1177/0894439313485201.
Christian Welzel
Academic Supervisor
Ronald F. Inglehart
Chief Research Fellow
Aigul M. Klimova
Senior Research Fellow