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Civic activities in Eastern Europe

New article by Alla Marchenko (LCSR Asssociate Researcher) titled "Civic activities in Eastern Europe: links with democratic political culture" was published in the recent issue of "East European Politics".

New article by Alla Marchenko (LCSR Asssociate Researcher) titled "Civic activities in Eastern Europe: links with democratic political culture" was published in the recent issue of "East European Politics". 

"This article analyses civic activities in East European countries using data from the European Values Study (2008–2010), which reveals the linkage between civic activities and democratic political culture at the country level. The analysis looks at the elements of democratic political culture which could promote or prevent the rise of civic engagement in Eastern Europe, namely trust towards political institutions, interest in politics, and satisfaction with democracy. Whilst it is too early to apply the concept of “critical citizen” to a civic activist in the area – it is suggested that the concept “dispassionate, but interested” be used".

The article can be found via the link bellow: