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The first working day in Voronovo

The 5th LCSR Summer School started this Saturday in Voronovo, Moscow. The renown scientists, many graduate students and young researchers from various fields within social sciences came here to meet and discuss their scientific interests and progress in projects.

The 5th LCSR Summer School started this Saturday in HSE Training Centre, Voronovo, Moscow region. The renown scientists, many graduate students and young researchers from various fields within social sciences came here to meet and discuss their scientific interests and progress in projects. Moreover, the first day of Summer School showed that the participants can combine business with pleasure. Beautiful surroundings of new location suppose to bring inspiration to all the participants and become the place for formal and informal communication.

The first working day started with delicious breakfast followed by long and extended introduction to factorial design by summer school key instructor Hermann Dulmer (University of Cologne, Germany). A traditional part of LCSR summer school is youth researcher sessions, where young scholars have a great opportunity to present project proposals or the results of their researches and receive feedback from renown scientists in the field. The formal part of the day was finished by the lecture titled “Subjective Well-being and Societal Collapse: the Case of Russia” by professor Ronald Inglehart.

All summer school participants look forward new formal and informal activities and improving their research and statistical skills.

After the end of current summer school we'll upload presentation of all the participants as well as photos and videos of invited lectures!