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International LCSR November Workshop
“Cultural Shift in a Comparative Perspective”

19-21 November 2024, Moscow Time Zone (GMT+3)
St. Petersburg, 123A Kanala Griboedova Embankment, and online

November 19, Tuesday

St.Petersburg, Griboedova Channel emb., 123, room #201, online

11:00-12:30 / Keynote lecture by Ponarin Eduard (LCSR HSE)

Kirill Zhirkov (University of Virginia, USA), Eduard Ponarin (LCSR HSE), and Sharon Werning Rivera (Hamilton College, USA)  "Anti-American Attitudes from the Dual-Process Motivational Perspective: Evidence from Russia"

Chair: Sokolov Boris (LCSR HSE)

12:50-14:35 / Social and Political Change in Russia

Semenov Andrey (Nazarbaev University, Kazakhstan), Snarskii Yaroslav (LCSR HSE), Tkacheva Tatiana (LCSR HSE) "Blame Attribution and Environmental Issues in Russia: Evidence from Survey Data"

Kostromin Vladimir (LCSR HSE) "The estimation of the Ballot Order Effect in Multi-member Districts in Municipal Elections in Russia, 2008-2019"

Snarskii Yaroslav (LCSR HSE) "Voter Defection in the Aftermath of Non-political Protest: Evidence from  Bashkortostan republic"

Chair: Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE)

16:00-17.45 / Individualism-Collectivism, Happiness and  Work-Related values

Kashpur Vitalii (Tomsk State University) "Quality of Life in Russian Regions: Social Media Analysis"

Musaev Artur (LCSR HSE) "The Impact of Technological Progress on Individualism-Collectivism in Southeast Asian Countries with Different Labor Market Structures"

Vladimir Magun (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, HSE), Marharyta Fabrykant (HSE, BSU) "Dynamics of work-related values in Russia, 1990-2017"

Chair: Ponarin Eduard (LCSR HSE)

November 20, Wednesday

St.Petersburg, Griboedova Channel emb., 123, room #605, online

11:00-12:30 / Keynote lecture by Sokolov Boris (LCSR HSE)

A Classification Approach to Mapping Cultural Differences: An Illustration Using Survey Data from 60 Russian Regions.

Chair: Almakaeva Anna  (LCSR HSE)

12:50-14:35 / Life Satisfaction and Trust

Almakaeva Anna (LCSR HSE, VTSIOM), Nastina Ekaterina (LCSR HSE) "General and Domain Life Satisfaction Across Life Cycle Stages"

Serdar Karabati (İstanbul Bilgi University, Turkey) "Life Satisfaction in Türkiye from the Perspective of Values"

Moreva Yulia (LCSR HSE), Zubarev Nikita (LCSR HSE), Arkatov Dmitrii (LCSR HSE) "Understanding National Pride and Trust in Institutions across Nations: Values and Socio-Demographics"

Chair: Tkacheva Tatiana (LCSR HSE)

16:00-17:30 / Keynote lecture by Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico)

Value Dynamics in Latin America: New Evidence

Chair: Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE)

November 21, Thursday

St.Petersburg, Griboedova Channel emb., 123, room #605, online

11:00-12:45 / Honorary paper by Minkov Michael (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria; LCSR HSE)

Chair: Andrey Shcherbak (LCSR HSE)

13:05-15:00 / Cultural change, COVID-19 pandemic and Happiness. Locus of Control and Quality of life

Dmitry Kislitsyn (HSE), Peter Meylakhs, (LCSR HSE), Dmitry Schapov (Centre for Public Health Studies, Sechenov University) "Moral values and vaccination behavior in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic"

Shcherbak Andrey (LCSR HSE) "The Rise of Materialist Values during the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia: evidence from the VIC data"

Maria Kravtsova (LCSR HSE), Irina Levina (independent scholar) "Does Locus of Control Equals Agency?"

Kashpur Vitalii (Tomsk State University) "Quality of Life in Russian Regions: Social Media Analysis"

Chair: Tkacheva Tatiana (LCSR HSE)


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