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International LCSR Workshop “Cultural Shift in a Comparative Perspective”

The Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics announces the International Workshop on cross-cultural research. It will take place in HSE campus in Saint Petersburg on November 19-21, 2024. Thematic areas of reports include such topics as subjective well-being and quality of life; general values; religiosity, social capital; trust, and others. 



  • Serdar Karabatı (İstanbul Bilgi University, Turkey);

  • Alejandro Moreno (ITAM, Mexico);

  • Vladimir Magun (Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, HSE);
  • Marharyta Fabrykant (HSE, BSU);
  • Eduard Ponarin (HSE University, Russia);
  • Boris Sokolov (HSE University, Russia);
  • Andrey N. Scherbak (HSE University, Russia);

  • Anna Almakaeva (HSE University, Russia).

Time and location

November, 19th: 123A Kanala Griboedova Embankment, classroom 201;

November, 20th: 123A Kanala Griboedova Embankment, classroom 605;

November, 21th: 123A Kanala Griboedova Embankment, classroom 605.

The list of presenters and the program of the conference will be announced later.

To attend the workshop, please, register. Deadline for registration: November, 17th.
The event can be attended both offline and online. 


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