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LCSR Summer School Day 8

Comparative educational studies are the main topic for discussion at the School today. Read more in the review of Day 8 by Natalia Soboleva

As usual the day began by the lecture and practical session on structural equation modeling. Peter Schmidt taught how to conduct multi-group comparison with interaction effect and mediation.


After the lunch Tamara Petrova presented her progress report on the determinants of educational achievements across countries depending on their educational development and their socio-economic status. She demonstrated the individual and country-level determinants of reading scores with the help of multilevel regression models.


Then four participants of the School presented their new projects. The project of Julia Kuzmina was devoted to the study of the effect of schooling on Math performance. The aim of her project was to estimate the effect of one year’s schooling on learning outcomes and the dependence of that grade on program orientation and student’s characteristics. By using the regression discontinuity design (RD) Julia tested this effect across 7 countries.


Galina Larina introduced a new project about tools of measurement of intra-subject skills which include regulative, communicative and thinking aspects.


After that Marina Goroshit from Tel-Hai College gave a presentation with a provocative title “I will stop procrastinating… tomorrow”. The aim of her project is to examine the phenomenon of academic procrastination, academic self-efficacy and time perspectives among college students. Her special interest is to compare students with and without learning disabilities.


The last presentation of the day was made by Maria Razumkina. It was about Bayesian modeling of unobserved structural heterogeneity. She applied that method to test the impact of self-dependence values on life satisfaction through feeling of freedom (on the base of WVS).


At the end of the day, after the dinner, Peter Schmidt and Zsofia Ignacz gave one more consultation on applying methods we studied at the School.


by Natalia Soboleva