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Fourth LCSR International Workshop

Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (HSE) announces the 4th LCSR International WorkshopSocial and Cultural Changes in Cross-National Perspective: Values and Modernization”. The workshop will take place from March, 28 till April, 4, 2014 in Moscow.
This time our international workshop will be held as a part of the XV International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) (deadline for submission is November 11, 2013). The winners of the regular call for LCSR research network will also have an opportunity to present their projects. (deadline for applications to the LCSR network is January, 31, 2014).
We also welcome non-presenting participants (without any financial support from the organizers). In this case you should send a registration letter till March, 20 to hse.lcss@gmail.com marked "Registration for the LCSR workshop". The application should contain your name, affiliation, and your date of birth (to provide the certificate of attendance).


6.04.2014: 4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 8

Maria Kravtsova's overview

5.04.2014: 4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 7

Ekaterina Dergunova tells about the most interesting events of the day

4.04.2014: 4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 6

A report by Victoria Remezkova

2.04.2014: 4th LSCR International Workshop. Day 5

Tatiana Stepanenko reviewed LCSR workshop's plenary lectures

1.04.2014: 4th LCSR International Workshop. Day 4

Ekaterina Dergunova's summary

31.03.2014: 4th LCSR International Workshop. Day 3

Victoria Remezkova highlights the day

30.03.2014: 4th LCSR International Workshop. Day 2

A review by Anna Ryabchikova

29.03.2014: 4th LCSR International Workshop. Day 1

A report by Tatiana Stepanenko

25.04.2014: Fourth LCSR International Workshop: the Beginning

Starts in Moscow on March 28


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