The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research holds a regular seminar series during the academic year. The seminars take place both in Moscow and Saint Petersburg each thursday at 6 p.m. The Laboratory provides video conferences between Moscow and St. Petersburg LCSR offices. You can find videotapes and summaries of the previous seminars at our website.
LCSR also organizes international workshops where the members of the LCSR international research network present and discuss the progress of their projects with experts. Usually workshops are held in April in Saint Petersburg. Call for applications with research proposals is open three times a year for those who want to become a member of the LCSR.
LSCR researchers often deliver public lectures and present their projects on various seminars and conferences. We highlight the most interesting talks for the Lab's website.
Our events are open to the public. We would like to see everyone who's interested in social sciences at our seminars, lectures and workshops!
Please request additional information via LCSR e-mail ( or call +7 (495) 772-95-90 *22713.
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