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Public Lectures

Evolutionary Modernization and Cultural Change (HSE in Saint-Petersburg, 10.10.2012)

Professor Ronald Inglehart, Scientific Supervisor of the LCSR, delivered a public lecture at the Saint Petersburg branch of HSE on October, 10th. During the lecture Professor Inglehart discussed reasons of cultural change, gave a sketch of a new theory of modernization he was working on, and criticized Marx’s vision of social evolution.


The Importance of Economic Issues in Politics: A cross-country analysis (HSE, 09.10.2012)

Alexey Zakharov, a senior research fellow at LCSR took part in a joint HSE-NES seminar on political economy. During the seminar Alexey presented his study devoted to the analysis of factors which determined salience of economic and non-economic issues in election rhetoric of political parties.


Crisis of Out-of-School Education (HSE, 10.04.2012)

Daniel Alexandrov, a leading research fellow at the LCSR, gave a report in a seminar of the HSE Institute for Educational Studies. Various aspects of out-of-school education in Russia were discussed in the report.



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