Call for Associate Researchers
Deadline for Application is February 1st, 2014
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research announces the next call for associate researchers. The main idea is to attract young scholars to work on their own projects under the guidance of the LCSR experts (Ronald Inglehart, Eduard Ponarin, Christian Welzel). The successful candidates will be invited to present their research proposal at the Fourth LCSR International Workshop. LCSR is looking for collaboration with everybody who is interested in the comparative quantitative research in the framework of the main Lab’s research fields:
- Subjective Well-being and Health;
- Tolerance, Nationalism, Migration, Religion.
Curriculum Vitae (not exceeding 2 pages),
- Project description: main goal, brief literature review, main hypothesis and data description (not exceeding 5 pages),),
- Project abstract (100 words),
- Motivation Letter (not exceeding 1 page).