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LCSR Summer School. Day 10

Sofia Lopatina describes the last day of the School

3rd LCSR Summer School came to the end. Sofia Lopatina (a research assistant at LCSR) describes the last day of the school.

The last day of the Summer School started with the presentations of participants’ multilevel models. After three days of hard work with assistance of professor Duelmer (University of Cologne) and Kirill Zhirkov (LCSR, Saint-Petersburg) students showed results of their small research projects conducted using multilevel structural equation modeling and multilevel confirmatory factor analysis.   

Marharyta Fabrikant (Belorussian State University), Anna Almakaeva (HSE, Moscow), Adrian Wójcik (University of Finance and Management in Warsaw), Alla Marchenko (Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine), Alexey Domanov (HSE, Moscow) and Marina Goroshit (Tel Hai College, Israel) were brave enough to demonstrate results of first attempts to apply new methods to analyze their datasets. Professor Duelmer gave a credit to his students for successful presentations and emphasized that he was impressed with industriousness of the participants who were highly motivated to acquire new professional skills.

Eduard Ponarin, Director of the Laboratory, also gave a talk on his project in order to discuss further steps and choice of relevant type of quantitative analysis with professor Duelmer. This research on attitudes towards migrants is conducted in collaboration with Alexey Shestakovsky. Eduard analyzes such predictors for attitudes towards migrants as huge cohort changes, wave change and socio-economic status, moreover he is interested in examining relationship between anomia and anti-immigrant prejudice. At the end of the final lecture Hermann Duelmer wished all the participants good luck and to get published as soon as possible.

After lunch Irina Nikiforova delivered the final lecture on data analysis using  SQL and R. It was dedicated to exploratory data analysis. Irina told about the basics of data mining and introduced some types of data structure analysis: principal component and cluster analysis.

by Sofia Lopatina