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LCSR Summer School. Day 1

Ekaterina Turanova talks about the most interesting events of the day

Today the Third LCSR Summer School has started. Ekaterina Turanova (a research assistant at LCSR) talks about the most interesting events of the first day of the School.

The first day of the 3rd LCSR Summer School  had started with the welcome speech by Eduard Ponarin, the head of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, and Tatiana Karabchuk, the deputy director of the Lab. Eduard and Tatiana greeted all the participants and wished them to have productive work.

Professor Hermann Dülmer (University of Cologne) started his first lecture with presentation of the program of his course “Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MCFA) and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) in MPLUS”. During the lecture he introduced the basic concepts of multilevel modeling and told about some peculiarities of M-Plus syntax. Participants got extremely interested in the topic and asked many questions.  

During the second lesson professor Dülmer paid more attention to explanation of the differences between various types of models which can be designed in Mplus. He also illustrated the cases when it is better to use Mplus and when HLM is more appropriate.

After lunch the first session of LCSR progress reports were presented.Julia Zelikova (LCSR, Saint-Petersburg) delivered preliminary results of her new project “Welfare Policy and Subjective Well-being in Aging Societies”. Then Kirill Zhirkov (LCSR, Saint-Petersburg) talked on anti-Americanism, he works on determination of predictors of anti-American sentiments within Muslim societies. Finally, Olga Gryaznova (LCSR, Moscow) presented her research dedicated to the comparison of influence of individual’s social position on its demand for welfare state in European countries.

Yuriy Savelyev (National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine) was the first guest lecturer who presented his research at the 3rd Summer School of LCSR. Yuri compared the process of intra-cohort value changes in the Eastern and Western European societies. Results of his tentative analysis supported modernization model by Ronald Inglehart.

In the evening Alexander Kustov (Princeton University), instructor of the additional course “LATEX for Social Scientists”, gave an introductory lecture on LATEX. He showed how to use necessary software and told about advantages of using LATEX over Microsoft Word and its drawback.

Intensive working day finished with the welcome dinner. During the dinner participants had a marvelous opportunity to get to know each other in an informal atmosphere.

by Ekaterina Turanova