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International Scientific Laboratories in Russia

New results of the survey are available at the LCSR website

Graphs which illustrate preliminary results of the study of international scientific laboratories in Russia conducted by the LCSR researchers are available on the Lab website.

The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research has conducted a sociological research of scientific laboratories under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. These laboratories were established within the bounds of the grant program “On measures designed to attract leading scientists to Russian institutions of higher learning” run by the Government of the Russian Federation to support the research supervised by the leading international scholars at Russian higher education institutions. The objective of the study was to investigate motivation and social attitudes of the laboratories' members, microclimate and organizational ecology of the laboratories.

A preliminary report is available on the LCSR website. Now we upload graphic materials which illustrate the main findings of the project.  

Study of Scientific Laboratories. Graphs 

Tatiana Karabchuk and Marina Nikitina are working on this project under the supervision of Ronald Inglehart and Daniel Alexandrov.

If you have any questions concerning this research you can contact them via e-mail: m.marinanikitina@gmail.com  or  tkarabchuk@hse.ru.