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Working paper "Trial by Fire..."

Working paper "Trial by Fire: The Natural Disaster's Impact on Attitudes Toward the Government in Rural Russia". Authors: Anton Sobolev, Yegor Lazarev, Irina Soboleva, Boris Sokolov.

Working paper "Trial by Fire: The Natural Disaster's Impact on Attitudes Toward the Government in Rural Russia". Authors: Anton SobolevYegor LazarevIrina SobolevaBoris Sokolov.

Abstract: This study aims to explore the foundations of political support under a non-democratic regime by investigating the impact of a natural disaster on attitudes toward the government. The research exploits the enormous wildfires that occurred in rural Russia during the summer of 2010 as a natural experiment. Since wildfire spreads due to the direction of the wind, the local distribution of fire is as if random: one village may burn while the neighboring village is left unscathed. The authors test the effects of this exogenous variation with a survey of almost 800 respondents in randomly selected villages, 34 of which were burned and 36 of which were unburned, in the four regions of Russia that were most severely affected. Contrary to the conventional scholarly wisdom that suggests that natural disasters cause people to blame politicians, study finds that in the burned villages there is higher support for the government at all levels, namely for the United Russia Party, the village head, the governor, Prime Minister Putin, and President Medvedev. Most counterintuitively, the rise of support for authorities cannot be fully explained by the generous governmental aid provided to the villages that were damaged by the fires. The authors interpret the results within the framework of system justification theory, developing it by adding to individual characteristics the factors of the political regime and the demonstration effect.

Paper was prepared under the personal project at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, the author thanks for the advises and recommendations to the paper given by Ronald Inglegart, Christian Welzel, Eduard Ponarin and Daniel Alexandrov.

Keywords: Natural disasters, Natural experiments, Russian politics, Russian Regions.