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Applications to the Summer School

On May, 10 ended the deadline for submission to the LCSR's Summer School "Structural Equation Modelling".

On May, 10 ended the deadline for submission to the LCSR's Summer School "Structural Equation Modelling".

The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research is happy to announce that this year about 30 applications to LCSR Summer School "Structural Equation Modelling" were submitted.

Both experienced scholars with publications in peer-review journals and younger scholars were among the applicants. They represent such outstanding European scientific centers as University of Geneva, University of Mannheim, University of Haifa, Hebrew University and some others, and also many univerisities in Russia and other Post-Soviet states. Topics of projects submitted to the school are very interesting: projects concern sociology, political science, psychology and market studies. The LCSR expert committee will consider all applications and announce results by May, 20th.

Summer School will be hold from July, 1 to July, 14 in the Helios-Park Hotel in Zelenogorsk, a resort town near Saint Petersburg.

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