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Regular version of the site


Updates on the LCSR web-site

Recommends, recourses, news – everything that can be useful and interesting.

As you can see, over the last months updates of LCSR site became more regular and frequent. Stressing this piece of news we want to pay special attention of the staff and all the scholars interested in comparative social studies that we regularly announce calls for papers for various conferences, workshops, summer schools, internships, and prospective educational programs in leading Russian and foreign universities on our website. This information is also available through the mailing list of our Laboratory (you can subscribe at e-mail). We also release a list of peer-reviewed journals, content of which relates with topics of LCSR studies.

Closest deadlines for application which we could recommend:

  • Yegor Gaidar Scholarship for Russian economists and public policy scholars. The deadline for applications is April 23, 2012.
  • Multilevel Analysis, Oxford Spring School 2012, UK, April 16-19, 2012. Registration is now open.
  • GESIS Summer School, Cologne, Germany, August 9-25, 2012. Registration is now open .
  • 9th Young Economists' Workshop on Social Economy, Forli, Italy, June 15-16, 2012. The deadline for submission is April 6, 2012.
  • 6th Yuri Levada Memorial Conference, HSE, Moscow, Russia, April, 20, 2012. The deadline for submission is April 10, 2012.
  • II Summer School of ILSCR Designing research and writing papers on culture and behavior: An intensive training seminar, HSE, Moscow region, Russia, June 15-20, 2012. The deadline is April 15, 2012 .

You can find more information in the section “Recommendations”.

If you have some information that can be useful for scholars and students of social sciences and you want to post it out on our site or to add it to the mailing list of the laboratory, please, contact us (see our e-mail address above).
Now we form a collection of datasets for comparative research on the site. You can find it in the section “Resources”. We welcome any new information and links on the subject (see our e-mail address above). In addition, in this section you can also submit application to create an account on the LCSR terminal server.

Terminal server is a very powerful computer. Its desktop is available for less powerful or obsolete models. The server provides computing resources via remote access, such as CPU time, main storage, and disk space. It runs on the free software platform (OS Ubuntu, R-commander, emacs). If you use R for data analysis and your own computer is not powerful enough to process large datasets, you can send a request for us according to the form posted in the section ”Resources” and then you will forget about all technical problems.

We welcome any suggestions concerning development of our site and information for placement. If you have visited an interesting meeting, conference, or any other event, or you want to share impressions about a remarkable book you have read, or you have got a new publication, or you have met a world-famous scholar, please, send us a short article and and pictures of the event , and we will post them on the site. Believe us, it is very interesting and important not only for you!

By Ekaterina Kuldina