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Islamism and liberalism

On March, 15th, 2012, Kirill Zhirkov gave a talk on ideological attitudes, connected with the Islamic belief.

 On March, 15th, 2012, Kirill Zhirkov, Research fellow at the Laboratory of Comparative Social Research  gave a talk on «Islamism and liberalism: ideological underlying reason of a "clash of civilizations"» . Ideological attitudes, connected with the Islamic belief, are examined in the research .

The author  relies on works of well-known political philosophers and  suggests his own explanation of  tense relations between the Islamic world and the West.

Theoretical substantiation of the research project was presented in the report. According to author's hypothesis, complexities in the relations between Islamic and Western world consist in the conflict between liberal ideological paradigm, which dominates in the  West, and Islamic ideology, which is based on Islamic political tradition. 

Such significant philosophers of the present as Samuel Hantington and Francis Fukuyama were mentioned in the report. The research is based on the WVS database and the next step is to find variables, that characterize ideological attitudes and distinguish "islamists" and "liberalists" with the use of cluster analysis. The author also formulates hypotheses of the research on this stage of study.

Thus most of the colleagues are interested in the questions of Islamism, the theme was discussed actively after the report. The basic theoretical categories and  countries, which are necessary to consider in the forthcoming research are taken over.

Watching Seminar On-line

By Elena Mostovova