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The Russians’ fate can be compared with the North people’s fate in some sense

Russia takes up the 89th place in the World Values Survey happiness rating with a negative level of happiness. Eduard Ponarin, a sociologist and professor at Higher School of Economics tells why Russians feel rather miserable than happy.  

Russia takes up the 89th place in the World Values Survey happiness rating with a negative level of happiness. Eduard Ponarin, a sociologist and professor at Higher School of Economics tells why Russians feel rather miserable than happy.  

Russia takes up low places in all world happiness ratings traditionally despite its high GDP level. According to World Values Survey, even such poor countries as Pakistan, Zambia, Uganda, Vietnam and Nigeria are ahead of Russia by level of happiness. Only Georgians, Bulgarians, Iraqis, Albanians, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Moldavians, Armenians and Zimbabweans feel less happy.

Eduard Ponarin, a sociologist and professor at Higher School of Economics, the head of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, participant of the research project “Happiness and life satisfaction as indicators of subjective well-being: a comparative analysis” tells why Russians feel rather miserable than happy. 

The Russian’s fate can be compared with the North people’s fate in some sense. Chukchi were wise, strong and brave people. They were wise because they could read the tracks on the snow and say when an animal passed. They were brave because they weren’t afraid of facing a bear one-on-one and killing it. Chukchi were strong because they could carry this carcass home and their wives loved them for that. Then Russians came and everything what Chukchi knew and were good at turned out to be unrequired. A  wife prefers to marry a Russian man, the children are taken away ant taught at boarding schools because there is nothing to do in the tundra. What should a Chukchi do? He ruins himself by drinking and dies. Russians were building socialism, leading other nations and expecting a bright future. Since 1991 they have been feeling miserable and useless, ruining themselves by drinking and dying. Other ex-communist countries can blame Russia for their condition. They believe that they returned to the family of civilized countries and it seems to them that they know in which direction to move. They have some hope and optimism. Russians have no one to blame, they feel defeated, and this depresses them even if it is not admitted. Besides, a very large gap between the rich and the poor occurred in Russia within a very short period of time. Older people encounter difficulties in particular, they have other ideals, the ideals of equality and justice.  

We think that the results of the next measurement will indicate positive changes. This is partly connected with the replacement of generations as older people die and there are some opportunities for younger people in our capitalist system, no matter how bad it is. These positive changes are evident from the survey conducted in 2006. They are formed not only by the generations’ replacement, but also by the constant growth of living standards since 1999.

The first place in the WVS happiness rating is taken up by Denmark because its level of well-being is high like in other Scandinavian countries. Due to the system of Scandinavian socialism, it is notable for its high level of security. A Dane’s life is safe, it may be planned by one’s self for many years ahead, which is important for being happy. Moreover, there is a democratic regime in Denmark. People believe that they influence the processes in the country and can replace a government they don’t like. This also adds a little happiness.  

At the same time there is a high level of suicides in Denmark like in other Scandinavian countries. This is related to atomization of people: thanks to strong social support a woman can manage without a husband, old people can manage without children. People aren’t connected with each other by social ties anymore. They exist by themselves and if a person has some difficulties, he or she might have no one to talk to.

On the other hand, it is interesting to compare the situation in Russia and Scandinavia with the situation in Latin America. People are happier in Latin America than in Russia given the same or lower levels of income. Happiness of nations in Latin America is based much more on relationships with family and friends than it is in Russia and Scandinavia. The absence of social ties in Scandinavia is compensated by high living standards, security and freedom. Close social ties in Latin America compensate poverty and lack of security.

World Values Survey rating

1   Denmark 4.24

2   Puerto-Rico 4.21

3   Columbia 4.18

4    Iceland 4.15

5    Northern Ireland 4.13

6   Ireland 4.12

7   Switzerland 3.96

8   Netherlands 3.77

9   Canada 3.76

10 Austria 3.68

11 El Salvador 3.67

12 Malta 3.61

13 Luxembourg 3.61

14 Sweden 3.58

15 New Zealand 3.57

16 USA 3.55

17 Guatemala 3.53

18 Mexico 3.52

19 Norway 3.50

20 Belgium 3.40

21 Great Britain 3.39

22 Australia 3.26


79 Azerbaijan 0.13

80 Macedonia - 0.06

81 Ruanda - 0.15

82 Pakistan - 0.30

83 Ethiopia - 0.30

84 Estonia - 0.36

85 Serbia - 0.45

86 Lithuania      - 0.70

87 Latvia - 0.75

88 Romania - 0.88

89 Russia - 1.01

90 Georgia -1.01

91 Bulgaria -1.09

92 Iraq    -1.36

93 Albania -1.44

94 Ukraine -1.69

95 Belorussia -1.74

96 Moldova -1.74

97 Armenia -1.80

98 Zimbabwe -1.92