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The third day of the ACSR conference

he third day of the conference started with the reports by scheduled participants. The discussion of the reports was held after their speeches. All participants of the conference got the remarks and recommendations from LCSS management.

tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/33_start of the 3rd Conference day.JPGThe third day of the conference started with the reports by scheduled participants. The discussion of the reports was held after their speeches. All participants of the conference got the remarks and recommendations from LCSS management. Therefore, participants were able to get an idea of their own individual projects’ final design of basic propositions. As a result project supervisors allocated young scientists on separate groups due to their research interests and gave them tasks within the bounds of the work.

The list of their performances can be found below.


Anna PashkevichHSE, MoscowTolerance towards migrants in the WVS
Svetlana MareevaISRASRole of government in the context of value change
Yegor LazarevSt.Petersburg State UniversityInequality and democracy
Nozim MuminovSamarkand State UniversityValue changes in the migrant Muslim communities
Dana AshimhanovaEurasian National UniversityNew cities and identity
Gennady KorzhovDonetsk State UniversityTerritorial identities and post-materialist values