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The second day of the ACSR conference

On the second day of the conference participants had an opportunity to present their individual projects to the LCSS management.

On the second day of the conference participants had an opportunity to present their individual projects to the LCSS management.tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/01_start of the 2nd Conference day.JPG

The presentation took place in the format of open discussion that allows to evaluate and discuss the highs and lows of every report. 

Ronald Inglehart, LCSS scientific adviser, took part in the discussion, listened to the speeches with a great interest and gave his comments and recommendations. All our foreign guests who attended the conference also had a chance to get acquainted themselves with the intentions and aspirations of young Russian scientists.

tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/03_Prof.Inglehart and Prof.Welzel.JPG
All this has enabled young scientists invited from different cities of Russia and the CIS to get a unique experience and reach a new level of analysis of their projects. The participants got the idea of what tasks within the project they could implement.

Due to the fact that the conference attracted a great interest, it was decided to split statements of the participants into two days.
Below is a list of participants with a description of the subjects of their reports.


 Marharyta FabrikantBelarusian State UniversityPatterns of Nationalism in Post-Soviet States
 Svitlana KhutkaKyiv National UniversityGender differences in Subjective Well-Being and Human Agency in TransitionCountries
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/02_Kroitor Svetlana.JPG
Sviatlana Kroitar
Institute of sociology of the NAS, BelarusChanges in the Determinants of Happiness in CIS Countries Compared to EUCountries
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/05_Mitrofanova Ekaterina.JPGEkaterina MitrofanovaHSE, MoscowChanges in Fertility and Matrimony across Generations in the Post-Communist World
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/06_Prutskova Elena.JPGElena PrutskovaSt.Tikhon’s Orthodox UniversityProfiling the Core and Periphery of Christian Orthodoxy
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/07_Rogozin Dmitry.JPGDimitri RogozinHSE, MoscowDoes Religiosity Affect People’s Values Differently in Different Denominations? TheCase of Orthodox Christianity
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/09_Maksim Rudnev.JPGMaksim RudnevISRAS, HSE, MoscowTesting the Predictive Power of the Inglehart and Schwartz Value Concepts
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/11_Vladimir Magun.JPGVladimir MagunISRAS, HSE, MoscowCross-National Cluster Distributions in Traditional/Secular-Rational Values andSurvival/Self-Expression Values
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/12_Elizaveta Veiher.JPGElizaveta VeikherSt.Petersburg State UniversityThe Impact of Values on Policy Preferences in Sustainability Questions: EnvironmentalProtection, Conflict Prevention, and Global Solidarity
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/13_Sherbak Andrey.JPGAndrej ScherbackHSE, SPbTolerance of Homosexuality as a Predictor of Innovative Economic Behavior
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/lssi_conf_2010_108.JPGAnna AlmakaevaSamara State UniversitySolidarity, Trust Circles, and Social Milieus
 Svitlana BabenkoKyiv National UniversityThe Development of Inequality and its Effect on Human Agency in TransitionSocieties
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/lssi_conf_2010_109.JPGAlexander StepanovHSE, MoscowClassifying and Explaining Age-Patterns in Life Satisfaction
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/19_Karabchuk Tatiana.JPGTatjana KarabchukHSE, MoscowCareer-Fertility Combinations among Women and their Effect on Life Satisfaction
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/21_Muradyan Elena.JPGOlena MuradyanKharkiv National UniversityThe Effect of Individualization on Achievement Strategies across Cultures
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/22_Nemirovskaya Anna.JPGAnna NemirovskayaSiberian Federal UniversitySocial Tolerance under Harsh Conditions
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/24_Daria Oreshina.JPGDaria OreshinaHSE, MoscowIs Orthodox Christianity an Oriental Religion: A Comparison of the Value Profiles ofOrthodox Christians with Protestants, Catholics, and Muslims
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/28_Zaharov Alexey.JPGAlexei ZakharovHSE, MoscowValues and their Effect on Policy Positions in the Old-Left-Right/New-Left-RightConflict Space
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/29_Evgeni Varshaver.JPGEvgeny VarshaverHSE, MoscowThe Effect of Values on Ethnic Cleavages
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/30_Kirill Zhirkov.JPGKirill ZhirkovHSE, SPbDissatisfaction, Anti-Americanism and Antimodernization in Developing Countries: a Comparative Study
tl_files/News/acrs_2010/end/lssi_conf_2010_125.JPGOlena BogdanovaKyiv Mohyla AcademyCapturing “Amoral Familism” with Ingroup/Outgroup Trust Patterns