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The 2nd Day of the LCSR Summer School: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

During the second day of the LCSR Summer School, the participants continued learning the basics of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The lecture focused on the issue of model identification. Moreover, the lecturer presented goodness-of-fit criteria and their (dis)advantages. During the tutorials, the participants ran the R script and MPLUS syntax. These codes show how to solve a CFA model identification problem, specify parameter constraints  and compare models on the basis of goodness-of-fit and other measures. Furthermore, the lecturer presented the “semPlot” package in R.

At the end of the day, Prof. Ronald Inglehart gave a lecture on “Reshaping Human Motivations, 1896 – 2014”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEgYXcnTfJQ.

Lecture 2. "How to Define, Estimate, Evaluate, and Improve CFA Models" is available on the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtVPr5fcm24 

Practical Session 2 is available on the website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySw8tqNuNts 

For extended program, please visit the page.